May 20, 2016

A new holiday for my year-round tree!

My long time followers know that I have a year-round tree that stays up in my sunroom.
 In years past during the month of May, the tree has been decorated with various birthday themes.
This year, my tree is celebrating a brand new holiday...Emma's senior graduation!
We're so proud of all her accomplishments and wonderful friends.  

Between all her sports, marching band, student committees and retail job, she's been a busy and successful young lady.
Graduation officially happens June 2nd but until then, we've been celebrating all sorts of special senior events.
We're so proud of you, Emma!  


  1. I'm proud of Emma too! I have loved watching her grow up and although our paths have never officially crossed, I feel like an "auntie" of sorts. Congrats Emma and go forth and conquer the world!

  2. Congratulations to Emma, and to you all! What a wonderful time this is! :)

  3. Not sure if I have heard of this idea. Rather neat tho. Wishing the best to Emma and her future.

  4. congrats to Emma and also to you and your husband!
    such a special time in her life and yours!
    what is she going to take at college? I think you may have told me... but I dont remember.
    have a great weekend Kim

  5. I'm so proud of Emma too!!! Seems like just yesterday she was starting high school and now she's going to be going off to college! Enjoy the coming weeks, because you'll blink and Josie will be graduating!

  6. Aw, a very special time-enjoy:@)

  7. All of our babies are growing up! I love it that she still spends time with her family. Congratulations to the Graduate!

  8. Wonderful Graduation Celebration Tree . . .
    I am so happy for Emma . . .
    Proud of her and her accomplishments and very happy that she has such a wonderful group of friends.
    Congratulations Emma!
    And . . . mom and dad, . . . congratulations to both of you . . .
    You are beautiful, wonderful, loving parents . . .

  9. Emma is such a beautiful person, inside and out! Congratulations! I know your tree is just the beginning of the fun celebrations you have in store for Emma and your family!

  10. That's a wonderful idea and such a personal, special tribute to your beautiful daughter!

  11. Congrats to you all and especially Emma. You all must be so proud. Love the tree-so special for her!

  12. Love the graduation tree! Enjoy every moment!


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