June 13, 2016

Nancy Drew birthday party (part 2)

I survived Emma’s graduation open house (that’s a post for another day) but I did want to get a follow-up post about Josie’s Nancy Drew mystery birthday party on the blog.   In case you missed it, my previous blog post shows all kinds of Nancy Drew party decorations. 
When the invitations were mailed out, we had told the girls that they would need to help solve the mystery of Josie’s missing birthday present.  With it being a slumber party, I knew we would never several different things to do to fill up the evening.

The party kicked off with the girls completing an “observation game”. I filled a tray with random items from our kitchen junk drawer. They were allowed to look at the tray for 1 minute, then I took the tray away and using their detective kit notepads/pens they had to list how many items they could remember.
They also had to tell us the exact colors too of the various items. The girls really got into this observation game and it's amazing how many random items we had stashed in our kitchen junk drawer.

During dinner, the doorbell rang and a telegram was left on the front porch. The telegram kicked off their series of clues.
In case any of you want to do your own mystery, here are the riddles that I used. As the girls solved each riddle, they ran to that object in the house and they would find the next clue.   Each girl was given a chance to solve the riddle, but they could ask for help.  

Some people take me in the morning, others take me in the evening, but one thing you should know - that when I'm 'taken', I don't really go anywhere?
What am I? (Shower)

What has a ring, but no finger? What am I? (Phone)

I never ask questions, but always answered. What am I? (Doorbell)

What has to be broken before you can use it? What am I? (Egg)

I don’t speak, can’t hear or speak anything, but I will always tell the truth. What am I? (Mirror)

I begins with a T.
I ends with a T
and mostly I am full of T.

What am I? (Teapot)

When I was invented, you can looking through the walls. What am I? (window)

I’m full of keys, but I can’t open any door. What am I? (Piano)

I am made of rock and shell.
I gather in millions by ocean, sea and stream.

What am I? (Sandbox)

Josie’s wrapped birthday present (it was a watch) was left inside the sandbox and I also found a bunch of detective kits at the Dollar Tree for each child and those were left in the sandbox for the girls.  
The girls also got to put their detective kit flashlights to use playing "find the bomb". To make the bomb, I wrapped 3 empty paper towels with a rubber band and attached them to our mini meat grilling thermometers. When it got dusk outside, the girls were divided into teams and each team took a turn hiding the bomb in our front yard. The other teams could use their flashlights to find the hidden bomb. Using a kitchen timer, each team had 3 minutes to find the hidden bomb.
Before bed, the girls then watched the 2007 (Emma Roberts) Nancy Drew movie.
I'd love to tell you that they all went to bed really good, but I was up several times during the night (including 4am) reminding them to go to sleep. I had also forgotten just how loud 9 & 10 year olds can be.  Wow!!  All in all, a successful slumber birthday party and I can't believe my baby is now in double digits! 

 Happy 10th birthday, Josie!  We love you so very much.  


  1. Happy 10th Birthday Josie. It looks like all the girls had fun. Your always very creative and have awesome looking parties. I enjoyed the posts.

  2. Hi Kim, what a cute birthday party theme! Josie looked adorable! It looked like a fun party, such clever ideas you always have! If I could do life all over again and pick anyone to be my mom I think it would have to be you! :)

  3. After that successful party I'm definitely making my reservation for our 50th birthday. ;)
    Chris =]

  4. Ten years old is such a fun age! I loved teaching 10 year olds. Happy Birthday Josie! I hope your 10th year is full of LOTS of fun and surprises! Blessings to you! (Your Fun MOM rocks)

  5. Looks like everyone had a blast! Hope you got caught up on your sleep:@)

  6. That is truly a great party! I would have loved to have played too and I'm 51!!

  7. That is such a cute idea for a party! Personally, I would have chosen the Nancy Drew TV show with Pamela Sue Martin, but that probably would have no appeal to the younger crowd :) OK, I just Googled her name and she is 63. Nancy Drew is 63!!!

  8. Wow -- what a fun party! Loved reading Nancy Drew when I was a girl! Happy No. 10 sweet Josie!

  9. What a fun party. You are a great mom handling a graduation party and a birthday near the same time. Your hubby is also a great dad for all he does for you including his flea market skills.
    My daughter's last big slumber party was when she was ten. I still remember the noise and the craziness.
    Have a great summer.

  10. Happy Birthday sweet Josie! It's been fun to watch you grow up! And what a FUN party! That would be a dream! Do you think I'm too old for a Nancy Drew party? heehee! (my first name is Nancy!) Hugs!

  11. Happy Birthday Josie . . .
    I hope you enjoy reading Nancy Drew as much as I did . . .
    I'll bet you have a large collection of those books!
    Looks like a fun party . . .
    Can you show us a picture of your watch?

  12. you are the bomb mom! what a great party. I love all your ideas. I have no doubt that all the girls had a "blast"! lol! I too cant believe that sweet tiny little josie is 10 years old already. soo.. whats next on your agenda?
    have a great day my friend

  13. You are so clever Kim! What a great birthday party theme for Josie and her friends. I shudder to think of the decibels 10 year old girls could reach, lol.

  14. Happy Birthday, Josie. What a creative and fun birthday party, Kim. I love the clues and the cute decorations. Looks like a fun time was had by all the girls. Now maybe you can catch up on rest time!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.