November 11, 2008

National Adoption Awareness Month Part 4 (MUST have adoption books)

While we were waiting to travel to China, I purchased a zillion books on adoption. I poured over them and thought I was well prepared for everything that came my way. The former librarian in me, couldn't stop researching and reading. Since returning home, I've found myself going back through them for a second time. I have certain chapters dog-eared...night terrors, eating issues and attachment.

As Christmas approaches and my family starts asking for gift ideas, I'd love to know what are some of YOUR favorite adoption books.


  1. I am looking for the book silent tears. Where did you find it. We also have a heart baby from China. Adopted August 2008. Love your blog


  2. Silent Tears is available on Amazon. It's an incredible book. A definite must read in my opinion. Here's a link to the author's blog:

  3. LOVE THE NEW PICTURE! It's AWESOME!! One more book to add to your list is "The Waiting Child". I could NOT put it down. UNBELIEVEABLE book. You'll love it!!! Have a great week!
    Love ya,

  4. Such a sweet new banner. Beautiful girls :D

    My two favorites are The Waiting Child, by Cindy Champnella. I've read it at least 4 times. Silent Tears, by Kay Bratt. I've only read it once.....too hard to read over and over. Those top my list of "must reads".

    Great post Kim!! I can't wait to see if any books I haven't read on adoption show up :D

  5. LOVE your newest blog look, Kim!!!
    You already have all the adoption books I read, and I really need to go over some of them as well!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.