February 25, 2009

1 year Post Placement Report

Our 1 year Josie anniversary is March 16th and our post placement report is due in our agency's office before then. We're meeting with our social worker to put together the final report Thursday night. Has it really almost been a year? Wow.

One of the requirements of our final report is a picture of all four of us. We've been terrible about getting all four of us in the same shot. Usually, I'm behind the camera. Or, Chris is behind the camera. Tonight we set the camera on the tripod along with the self timer. It only took 20 attempts to get Josie to look at the camera and not at her sister, or her father, or her mother, but it's good enough.

Here's March 16, 2008

Here's February 25, 2009

Aren't the changes unbelievable? It's amazing what heart surgery and the love of a family can do (having a little extra hair doesn't hurt either).

Updates from Josie's cardiologist appointment will happen later Friday. Here's to hoping for no tears during the EKG or ultrasound!!!


  1. What a cute family photo! It's so awesome to see the huge smile on Josie's face--what a difference.

    I can't believe it's been a year for us either!

  2. Wow...it is amazing the difference in a year, isn't it?!?! I can't believe it's been a year already!!!! MAN...time sure does fly!!! Can't wait to get Josie's updates on Friday! She looks wonderful!!!! Have a great Thursday!
    Love ya,

  3. Isn't it a miracle to see these children blossom. Even when we have rocky patches along the road, looking at the transformation makes it all worthwile....
    Love, Barb

  4. You guys look great!!! And yes, the extra hair always helps... I can completely and totally relate! Praying that things go well for you on Friday. Hugs to everyone!

  5. Just wait 'til China powers see those pale little cheeks without the trademark splashes of scarlett from being suffocated by clothing. You will be in BIG trouble.


    The change is miraculous-- and can all be contributed to one 4-letter word that begins with L and ends with E.

  6. Your family photo is wonderful. We will also use our tripod for our family shot. I am guessing it will take about 35 times and 45 a minutes to get even one with everyone looking at the camera!

  7. Been busy, busy with little time to catch up. JT has a tummy bug, soccer, tennis....on and on.
    I love the new family photo. I can't believe you accomplished that without another adult around.
    And, the picture of Chris with Josie is priceless.

  8. Wow Kim, what a beautiful family, Josie looks so happy. Can't believe it has been almost a year since we all sat at our computers waiting to see the first pictures of your meeting of Josie, she really has changed. Glad to hear the appointment went well. I also can't wait to make the pom pom bunnies, I had forgotten how. You have to have pom pom bunnies at Easter!Love ya, Staci

  9. Great pictures of all of you.

    Congratulations on your 1st year together!


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