February 5, 2009

Josie's Healing Hand & Recycled Artwork

Josie's hand is healing rather nicely.

All the stitches have fallen out and she's no longer needing to wear her splint every day. We'll go back to her hand surgeon on 2/18 for a follow-up appt and x-ray. We're suspecting that he will order some additional physical therapy because she keeps that thumb pretty stiff. She's starting to use her right hand more (not for eating or fine motor play) but she's making progress. She's quick to tell us that it hurts and doesn't like to get her right hand cold. I imagine her nerve endings are pretty sensitive. What a little trooper.

Josie has been finger painting every day at daycare and comes home with all kinds of lovely designs on generous sheets of paper. I wondered what I could possibly do with all her beautiful artwork (without sending the majority of them to the recycling bin).

Emma and I came up with the perfect idea this evening by recycling them into a fun Valentine's collage.

Supplies needed:

Finger Paint (variety of colors)
Paper for finger painting
Black construction paper
Green crayon

Step 1. Let your kids have a finger painting party. Use several sheets of paper and a few different colors.

Step 2. Let their artwork dry thoroughly. Overnight is best, or speed up the process with a vent or fan.

Step 3. Cut a vase shape out of one of your papers and glue that onto a sheet of black construction paper.

Step 4. With the rest of your finger paint paper, cut out heart shapes in a variety of sizes.

Step 5. Glue your hearts around the vase. Once the hearts are placed on the paper, draw in the stems with green crayon. Be sure to vary the stem sizes and lengths.

Stand back and admire your artwork. Happy crafting!!


  1. Great idea for all the stuff our kids draw or paint!! Thanks for giving me some ideas.

  2. It cracks me up.......you REALLY ARE super mom!
    LOVE your ideas!

  3. OMW.....Emma's idea was fantastic.....I have been thinking about you and hoping that things are going better....have a great weekend....

  4. Once again...ANOTHER creative idea!!! LOVE IT!! Josie's hand looks awesome!!!

  5. Josie's hand looks wonderful! Great idea for the artwork!

  6. Great idea! Hope you have a wonderful weekend...

  7. Hi Kim!

    Just wanted to stop in and let you know how much I have enjoyed reading Josie and Emma's adventures! My blog is fairly new, but I would like to invite you to stop over and take a peek! Happy Blogging!

  8. Josie's little thumb looks so good!
    Love the crafty idea. We have dozens of priceless pieces of art around here that are just begging to be re-purposed. Great idea.

  9. That is a great idea, Kim! Who needs expensive art work when our kids supply such great pieces!!
    Love, Barb

  10. OMGosh, you would not BELIEVE the amount of kids paintings we have stored away in our basement....wait a minute...yes you would! You're an artist mom! :) I love your blog, and look forward to reading more of it. :)


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.