February 17, 2009

Toys are taking over my house!!

I love creativity and I can make a mess with my craft projects like you wouldn't believe, but my come on!!!!

I can't wait until winter is finally done and the girls can spend more time outdoors. I know my sister is secretly loving this post because she thinks her house is the only one that can have a mess with legos and star war figurines.

Is it really true that West Michigan is suppose to get another snow storm over the next 2 days? Ugh. Am I the only one who has a house taken over by toys and is completely sick of winter weather?


  1. You are totally NOT the only one with toys taking over your house... sounds like we have a combination of your house and your sister's house... dollhouse stuff, stuffed animals/baby dolls, Star Wars figurines, etc. Although the mess gets annoying at times, I don't think I'd really want it any other way. :o) Now, a little extra storage space wouldn't hurt!!

  2. You are not alone...and I don't even have cold weather to blame. :(

  3. Well, I can't imagine what my house would look like if we lived up north. Seriously, think about what having 6 kids can do to a home.
    I should send you a picture of my house of horrible toys. It is down right gross!

  4. I must say...that is the most neatly organized "mess" I have seen! You need to sneak over to MY house and you would feel much better!!!

    (Isn't it ironic, though, how the sheer volume of "stuff" in our house quadruples with the first child and continues to double every child there after?!)

  5. I am going insane and ready to go into serious debt to spend a week in the bahamas : ) Thanks for the heart pizza idea. We are going to make them on Friday!

  6. Come to my house anytime if you want to see a messy house *sigh*.
    Love, Barb

  7. Our house looks like that too, but it's all BOY STUFF. Can't wait to have some GIRL STUFF :)
    Yes, we're supposed to get smacked with more snow...starting tonight actually.

  8. I am SO over winter and can't wait for this one to be OVER. My house looks like Toys R Us exploded and landed in heap in my family room.

  9. TOTALLY sick of winter. We don't even get any snow, but just cold! I want 100-degree heat and humidity. Seriously. I LOVE, LOVE that kind of weather. And a big plus, my boys wear swimming trunks and that is IT at least five days a week, so the laundry goes down by 2 or 3 loads a week!

    About the eating, AM THERE DOING THAT with our S! I think your friend is right. I often see S going through things at super-sonic speed. Things that she missed out on and still needs to enjoy. Email me if you want to chat or get real about it! :)


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.