April 4, 2009

Hot Chocolate & Jelly Beans

We’ve been told by our local news station that West Michigan will be blessed with SNOW Monday and Tuesday during the K-12 spring break. Come on warm weather!!! Emma’s anxious to get her bike out and Josie’s ready to drive her new car around the neighborhood. I guess we’ll just stay tucked inside with some hot chocolate a little while longer.

In garage sale updates, Chris and Emma braved the cold weather and hosted our garage sale Friday and Saturday. We had quite a bunch of clothes and baby toys to sell. Although it was a family effort to organize all our stuff, Chris was the complete mastermind behind the garage sale. I wasn’t even home to help on Friday. I was at work. He gets MAJOR kudos for pulling this whole event together. You’re the best, sweetie. A local charity is coming on Tuesday to take away the remaining items. Emma has graciously offered to give half her garage sale earnings to a local soup kitchen. We're so proud of you!!

Here's another fun and easy craft. Josie helped me put together this jellybean topiary Saturday morning.

She sorted the jellybeans by colors (as well as sampled a few).

I hot glued the jellybeans to a sytrofoam cone and finished it off with a decorative ribbon on top. Aside from Easter, this would be a cute table centerpiece at child's birthday party.

I can't believe tomorrow is Palm Sunday. This month is flying by. Is anyone doing anything fun or exciting for spring break?

Blessings for our celebration of Christ's Resurrection.


  1. You are one talented mama my friend!!!
    And proud of Emma for donating to the soup kitchen!! What a girl!!
    Sorry I have been MIA as of late. I swear facebook is the new crack, and I have become addicted! UGH! Miss you all and hope to get things back to normal!!
    Hugs, Jill

  2. When I saw that Michigan was expecting snow, I felt badly for you! I know you are so ready for warmer temps.
    You will be proud.... we did the muffin cup craft and the jelly bean topiary! They turned out cute...but not nearly as good as yours.

  3. I like the topiary idea. We may have to try that this week.
    I plan to stay home and just enjoy being mama....not to mention catching up on some LONG overdue housework.

    Brandon turned 18 two weeks ago, and Caleb will turn 18 on Friday. Weather permitting, we're taking a day trip to the beach to celebrate.

    No snow for us the past several winters...lots of rain lately, though.


  4. Howdy from sunny (and muggy warm) Florida! Yes, we're doing something fun for the week -- and GLAD to miss the snow!

  5. I can't believe your getting snow again. Our forcast is for some flurries tonight. Pretty weird, huh? Oh well...maybe by the end of spring break it'll be pretty!!!

    I LOVE the new craft!!! Always so great!!! have a great week!
    Love ya,

  6. YUM!!!!!! And CUTE!!!!!!!!!! I wish I could get myself together in these crafty ways. I appreciate that gift, especially b/c I don't possess it myself. Darlin' fam you have there, my friend.

  7. Have a great winter....I mean SPRING break!
    We had our break 2 weeks ago and had better weather than this. Unbelievable. We have about an inch of sloppy snow today, how about you?
    Hopefully it'll turn around by the end of the week, at least no parkas on Easter! Pleeeease!!

    Love the topiary :)


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.