May 17, 2009


My father is an amazing man. I don't even have enough words to describe how much he is loved and respected among our family, friends, his church and within the business community. Without going into details, we had a health scare this past week and now I'm realizing just how much we need him around for a very long time. I've always joked that he's going to move Emma into college someday and now I really mean it.

I love you, Dad!!

Onto other big events...

We did a whirlwind visit to the east side of the state to attend a first communion party for our nephew and to celebrate Emma's birthday.

Our nephew's communion party was held at an ice arena and Aunt Shelly took Josie down to the ice to get a closer look. As much as you see all the girly quiet stuff that I do with Josie, she is child that is constant motion and needs physical stimulation. Josie's now insisting that she wants to play hockey and I believe her!!

In the little more than 24 hours that we were in Detroit, the girls had some great quality time with their Nana, Papa, Aunts, Uncles and cousins.

Emma received an American girl doll theater from Nana and Papa for her birthday. Within thirty minutes of arriving home, Chris had it sent up. It's beautiful and very very large!!

On our way home from Detroit, we stopped off at an outlet mall. My birthday is next Sunday (it's exactly one week apart from Emma's) and I did a little bit of birthday shopping for myself. Nothing like picking out exactly what you want...hee hee. I found some great summer outfits for the girls too. The best part of the shopping experience for Josie was the mini carousel.

Happy 11th Birthday, Emma! I love you very much!!


  1. Happy birthday to the birthday girls! So glad you had a fun trip to Detroit and that your dad is doing well.

  2. Kim! It's been awhile since I've been over here...your blog is beautiful!! Very sweet post about your daddy. ; ) Hope you have a wonderful week! I am 15 school days from getting my life back and being able to blog more again! woohooo!

  3. Happy Birthday to Emma!!! I'm so glad your father is okay.


  4. I love the photos, but beechecking just to hear you were over the scare! Good!

  5. I'm SO glad that your dad is ok. I know that has to be so hard watching him walk through that! Thank you for keeping us posted!!! I pray that he has continual health for a LONG TIME!!

    Happy Birthday next week!! It IS so great being able to get what you want!! :) Looks like the girls had a great time visiting their family!!! Hope you have an amazing week!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.