June 12, 2009

Birthday Highlights

With Daddy home from Tampa, we finally celebrated Josie's 3rd birthday on Saturday. It's so much fun this year. Her enthusiasm and joy is absolutely contagious.

Happy Birthday, Josie.

PS. 7 days until our Lake Michigan cottage get-away vacation. I can't wait!!!


  1. Happy Birthday Party Josie!!! Obviously, you had a terrific day. Your smile is so sweet, beautiful and full of joy! What a blessing you are!

  2. What ADORABLE pictures of Josie's birthday!! The peony's look great in the pics, too. ;)

  3. Awwww, happy birthday Josie! How fun! You are a precious child, who is LOVED well! You are a blessing to your family!

  4. Happy Birthday sweet Josie! Looks like the celebration was FUN! Lovin' the bike!
    BTW- I cannot believe how big she is getting!!
    Hugs, Jill

  5. Happy Birthday! Found you via Kim/7th Diamond. I have a 3 year old from Nanchang and a 5 year old from Hangzhou. Happy to have found you :)

  6. Happy Birthday, Josie!
    She is just so happy and confident and loved, isn't she? You can see it from a mile away.
    Hang in there till your vacation. Bet you can't wait!

  7. Happy Birthday, Josie!!!
    She looks RADIANT!!
    Love, BArb

  8. Looks like so much fun. Love the new big girl bike!


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