July 29, 2009

Everybody wants to be a cat!!

Emma has been enrolled in a musical theater camp all week. It's been a fantastic experience and an amazing confidence building activity. Chris and I are so proud of her.

Each night, she's had lines and songs to memorize in preparation for the next day's practice. She's been diligent with her homework and I think our entire house had the soundtrack to Aristocats memorized by the end of the week.

On Friday, the students performed their shortened version of Aristocats. No costumes. No props. Just hard work and lots of singing. Chris and I were just beaming and Josie kept yelling out "Look! There's MY EMMA!"

Afterwards, we celebrated with ice cream in honor of our special daughter. Well done, Emma. Well done.


  1. I am proud of her too! Go Emma!!! I remember doing things like that as a child and I loved it!
    Love the pic of the kitty looking over her as she studies! LOL!
    Hugs, Jill

  2. Way to go Emma!!! You look like such a natural on stage. I hope you continue participating in theater!

  3. Way to go! Sounds like a great program.

  4. Great Job Emma! I love the look on her face in the first picture -- sure mom and dad are proud of her, but she's pretty proud of herself, too!

    Please let us know if Emma is going to be in another kid-friendly production, as we'd love to come and see her and cheer her on.

    And I bet she loved hearing her little sister call out to her on stage (well, it might have been a little embarrassing too, but I'm sure it also made her day!).

  5. Good job Emma!
    I'll be standing in line to get your autograph one of these days, I just know it :)

  6. Love the first picture of Emma on your post...amazing to see how the girls have grown just over the short time that I've 'known' you. :) Contrats Emma on a job well done!

  7. What a neat experience. And she looks so confident and happy up there on stage!
    Great job, Emma!

  8. Sounds like fun, making memories for a lifetime!


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