July 18, 2009

Home Sweet Home...

It could have been worse. On our return flight, we came armed with stickers, candy, and new coloring books. Even better, we were upgraded to Express Economy which included in-flight tvs on the back of each seat. Josie couldn't keep her ear-buds in her ear, but she enjoyed seeing a television in between coloring and putting stickers all over my shirt. Josie's still not an easy traveler, but it was better on the return flight.

Overall, it was a enjoyable business trip and it was a bonus to be able to bring my family along. I still can't get over all the museums and monuments we didn't get to visit while in DC. I definitely want to go back someday. It's an amazing city. The cost of food or taxis wasn't cheap, but I loved the free admission to most events. Meeting up with a part of Josie's past, was an added bonus. Thanks again, Schaefer family!!

Josie is sound asleep in her bed with her favorite pillow and blanket, while Emma is curled up with Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I'm going to ignore the mound of dirty laundry for at least another 12 hours. Yuck.

Have I said it's good to be home? Home sweet home...sigh...


  1. Always good to be back home, but that unpacking is the pits! LOL! ; )

    We saw Har*ry Pot*ter and the Half Blo*od Pri*nce last night.....awesome!!!

  2. Welcome Home Kim and Family!
    Hugs, Jill

  3. Welcome home! Didn't I tell you it was cold?
    Unpacking is the worst (almost as bad as moving!)
    So glad you had a wonderful trip. Thanks for sharing it with us!

  4. So glad you are home, safe and sound! It's always nice to be back in your own bed!!! :)


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.