July 5, 2009

How to create your own drive-in theater (or how to waste time while you are waiting for the fireworks to start)

Three years ago, we started a new family tradition on the 4th of July. Living in a community in which public firework displays are available, but public seating is at a premium, we started camping out at our local library parking lot several hours before the fireworks show. To make the time go faster, we turned our van into our own personal drive-in theater.

Step 1. Take out all the extra seating, layer the bottom of the van with several sleeping bags and stop at your local grocery store to purchase more candy than what should be legally possible.

Step 2. Fill Josie's bib with popcorn because it's a neat little pouch and she thinks she's getting away with something.

Step 3. Have a back-up plan if the kids get bored with the movie. We brought softball gloves and the girls practiced catching balls with Daddy. Just make sure there aren't too many cars nearby!!!

Step 4. Bring some additional chairs and sit back for a quick snuggle with Daddy. As a side-note, we couldn't have asked for better weather in anticipation for the fireworks. Our day started out pretty cold and overcast.

Chris and I are thinking we might need to invest in a cheap data projector and create an outdoor movie theater with a bedsheet in our backyard. Emma really likes that idea, especially because there would be bathrooms and additional snacks close by. I hope your summer has been filled with special family memories. I can't believe it's already July. Where has the time gone?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Looks like you guys had a great
    4th of July. Love the idea of drive-in movies in the car. Love that candy stash!

  3. I love it. Love the new blog design as well.

  4. Looks like a Great DAY..
    love it..
    Have a great week.

  5. Hi Kim,
    Great pics! Yep, I am kid-less tonight, so I can leave a comment!

    One must see for Emma is the Holocaust Museum, unless you think it will be too emotional for her. I can't say it was my "favorite" but it is a life-changing experience.

    I can't recall anything that would be Josie's "cup of tea," but I am sure they have some preschool friendly things around for her to enjoy.

    Another must is Ford's Theater--They have a great exhibit of the last hours of Lincoln in the lower level of the home he died in.

    And, if you have transportation, Mount Vernon is beautiful. We visited near sunset, and the view from the home of the lake and surrounding hills is breathtaking.

    Don't be afraid to use the subways to get around. They are well maintained, and have a safe reputation. And this is coming from someone who was pickpocketed in the Paris subway system. So I am very wary of them!

    Hope this is a help! Have a great time and be safe in your travels!

  6. Fun! You never run out of cool ideas! Glad you had a great weekend and 4th!

  7. Where has the time gone indeed? I only have 2 weeks home before we go to South Africa. I'm already feeling homesick.

    Looks like you had a great time.

    Once, when the electricity was out at our house, we grilled hamburgers outdoor, set up the portable DVD player on the back porch, and had our own family movie theater. Memories!

  8. Once again...more fun creative ideas!! You rock Kim!!!! Have a great week!

  9. You never cease to amaze me Kim. You are THE "celebrate in style" family!
    Love, Barb


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