September 27, 2009

Culture, Carnival and Collecting

Friday = Culture

Friday night, we took the girls downtown to enjoy ArtPrize. For anyone living near the Grand Rapids area, the open art competition is a must-see event. We were so impressed with the artwork and the local support.

Saturday = Carnival

Emma's elementary school held their annual school carnival/fundraiser Saturday afternoon. Luckily the weather held off and most of the activities could be enjoyed outdoors.

Emma's favorite game made her the lucky recipient of 2 goldfish. I'm not exactly sure how I got suckered into buying a mini aquarium for these .19 cent feeder fish, but the girls are happy with their newest family members.

Josie's favorite part of the day was tasting her first blue/green snowcone. I think her shirt enjoyed it too!

Sunday = Collecting

My favorite part of the weekend was sneaking off with my mom to the Allegan Antique fair on Sunday. It was the last one for the season and I came home inspired with all kinds of Halloween decorating ideas.

I'm now the proud owner of several test tubes, a tiny microscope, a black umbrella with a jeweled handle, several old bottles, two moon-shaped cookie cutters, three story-book dolls, two miniature urns, a candle-shaped light, one wooden spool, a handful of scrabble letters, one miniature glass dome, and a bunch of other miscellaneous items that will be crafted into marvelous Halloween displays. I'm going miss my monthly Allegan Antique fix.

And last but not least, here's my latest Halloween creation (yes...that's a fish aquarium).

It's filled with one bag of black dried beans, two miniature skeletons (found at my local dollar store), some dried moss, two miniature pumpkins, a battery operated candle, and a few Halloween words placed strategically between the skeleton's toes...hee hee.

For those of you still praying for Mia, she's finally been moved out of PICU. Let's hope this is finally the week this sweet little girl and her mommy gets to go home.

Have a great week!


  1. What a great weekend..
    And like always.. you always have the cutest decorations...
    Have a great week.

  2. It looks like you had a wonderful weekend! Did you see any fiesta ware????

  3. Great weekend adventures!
    I am looking forward to see what you have in mind with all of your cool purchases!
    We made our skeleton aquarium on Saturday and it turned out so cute! Thanks for sharing your ideas.

  4. Sounds like a great weekend.
    I went to the BEST auction ever. Just love looking at all my treasures---that I don't need (well, that's what Jeff said anyway) :)

  5. You crack me up with the skeletons in the fish bowl. Have fun with the fish. :)))

  6. Sounds like you had an awesome weekend! We loved touring around downtown, and made it out twice to view what we could. We took off early on Friday from the office to take a look around, then brought Maiya down on Saturday. We are so impressed with this event, and look forward to seeing it come to town in the years to follow.

  7. You are soooo creative, Kim. You must have significant storage options for all of your treasures?

    Keep blogging... I'm a regular
    Shery Franklin


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.