October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

The Halloween party was a smashing success. Chris and I counted nearly 100 guests in attendance. Despite the dreary rainy weather, it was a wonderful night.

Here are a few pictures of our family taken before the party started.

Isn't our face painter wonderful?

Josie and I were both witches, so she gave us matching make-up.

Here a few shots taken during the party.

Happy "official" Halloween from the Kenward family.

Have a safe and fun evening trick-or-treating!!


  1. You really know how to throw a party! The pictures are so fun! Gosh, what cute kids :) Im coming to your party next year!

  2. It looks like you had a great time. What a wonderful turn out!

  3. FUN FUN FUN!!!! So glad everything went well and the weather didn't dampen the fun!!!


  4. WOW! What a party!! I so wish we lived just a BIT closer....we would've been there!!!
    Great pics Kim!

  5. Looks like a great time! Glad it was a success!

    Happy Halloween Kenward Family!

    Love the Bekker Family

  6. Loos like fun.....maybe next year!
    I don't envy you guys tomorrow----must be an all day job putting it all away :)

  7. Wow! You've already have a party with over 100 guests, and taken the time to post photos.

    You go girl!

  8. wow girl...you guys did a terrific job!!! Looks like you had so much fun and what an amazing turnout!!! Bet you're exhausted from all that work!!! Great job as always! Hope you have a wonderful Sunday!! Get some rest! miss you!!!

  9. It looks like you had another great party!! I couldn't imagine that many people in my house. :p Congrats on pulling it off and showing so many people a great time. :)

  10. What FUN party! It looks like the party was a smashing success and fun was had by all! Great pictures!

  11. Glad your party was a success!
    I missed our annual trip to your neck of the woods. Just curious, how much money did you raise toward your charity?
    - Karen

  12. Have seriously been neglecting my blog stalking (I mean rounds!) lately. I was wondering how the big party went!!! Looks like it was spooky and fun!

    It was cold here too, so I imagine it was freezing up there!

    You Mom and Dad's new home is beautiful!

    Take care,


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.