November 8, 2009

Been busy...

The girls have both been under the weather with respiratory "gunk". Emma actually missed a couple of days of school and by Friday evening, both were ready for blankets and a good movie. We pulled out Elf and made hot chocolate.

For anyone who is curious, all the Halloween decorations are officially put away. Not a single creature or orange light to be found anywhere. I'm always amazed at how much work it is to set-up and take-down, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I'll be sending off a check for $200 dollars to Pearl River Outreach this week. Thank you to all that donated. Every little bit helps.

On Saturday, my sister and I helped my parents start moving their belongings from their funeral home residence to their new home. Chris kept our germy girls home.

Although they aren't retiring, they are moving out of their funeral business. Their new home is just gorgeous. They haven't had a real house with a real yard for many many years. I can't wait to show interior shots...especially my mother's art studio. All my crafting takes place on my kitchen island. My mother actually has a whole room devoted to quilting, sewing, painting, stained glass making, miniature making, basket weaving, beading, gluing..etc. I'm so happy for them both.

Speaking of crafting, I dug out my Christmas crafting supplies this afternoon. I just took a peek inside my box. I didn't start anything, but it's never too early to start planning. I can't wait to try out a few new projects with the girls.

Have a wonderful week. Stay healthy.


  1. You are always busy....
    LOVE the photo of the girls..
    The house is BEAUTIFUL..
    Have a great week..
    can't wait to see all the great things you make...
    Have a great week..

  2. You never cease to amaze me girl! I wish I had your energy!!
    Hope the girls are feeling better soon!
    Hugs, Jill

    (P.S. So, were you raised in the funeral home? I dated a guy-way back when!- who was raised in one, heck still living there when home from school, it was interesting....)

  3. Sorry to hear the girls are under the weather. my girls had a runny nose but nothing extreme.
    LOVE your parents new home ~ Beautiful~

  4. Oh, I want the trees from your parent's house!!!!!!!
    Sickness has definitely made the rounds at our house, too, and I hope your girls will feel better soon
    Love, Barb

  5. Hope the girls are felling better and everyone else stays healthy!

  6. I am so sorry to hear that the girls are sick. :( That is no fun.

    I can't wait to see what crafts you share with us for Christmas!!

    Awesome for your parents to be able to retire in such a pretty house--and the craft room sounds amazing. :)

  7. So sorry that Emma and Josie are sick. Hope they feel better soon!!
    Your parents' house is beautiful!! I know you must be bursting at the seams to get into that art studio.
    Still, I can't wait to see what Christmas crafts you have in mind :)

  8. Hope your girlies get to feeling better soon!

  9. ...and get to work on those crafts so we can borrow your ideas! tee hee

  10. Hope the girls are feeling better. Doug and I each had surgery in October. Doug had a hip replacemnt and I had an emergency gall bladder removal.! :-) I'm back to work after a couple of weeks.

    Your crafting energy is amazing to me! Enjoy! Hu to Chris.
    Sherry Franklin

  11. I'm gearing up for Christmas crafts too... expecting many glue gun burns.


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.