November 12, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful for a daughter who continues to practice the flute and ride the early bus (6:48am) to attend band 2-3 times a week. I don't know many sixth graders who would be willing to do this on their own without complaining.

Did I mention that Emma is using my former flute? We had it reconditioned and I'm a teeny tiny bit proud that she's using it again.

I'm also grateful for a daughter that finds absolutely JOY and ADMIRATION in her big sister.

They aren't always perfect, but I'm soaking this ALL in today.


  1. LOVE IT.. I played the flute and pickalo.. not sure it hat is how you spell it.. and I tried to get KyLee to play but she wasn't interested.. I still have mine also..
    LOVE IT..
    have a great week..

  2. Beautiful post Kim!

    BTW, I was in band too! I played the trumpet and still have mine too. A bit rusty (literally the horn and my playing ability), but I would love for one of our children to use it as well! So far, the only one remotely interested in music is my youngest.

    :))) Hope your Friday is blessed!

  3. My daughter, Molly, just told me she wants to learn to play the flute! Your daughters are both so beautiful. I love looking at their photos. :)

  4. You are so blessed.... I love your girls. I can only imagine how proud you must be!

  5. You have a beautiful children who are always a joy to be around. Emma is very mature for her age and very thoughtful.

  6. Brett doesn't even get up for school until 7:45! (slacker!)
    We've been spending many evenings listening to the trumpet around here---be grateful for the FLUTE!
    Thank you for taking the time to reflect on what you're thankful for. We all need reminded sometimes :)

  7. How cool that Emma is learning on your flute!

    As a 5th grader I desperately wanted to play the flute, but ended up having to play the viola instead (because my mom bought one for my brother and he switched to string bass). I HATED the viola!

    I let my boys choose their own instruments when it was time -- they all play something still and most play more than one instrument.

    And I still hate the viola!


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