December 30, 2009

Almost Wordless Wednesday...

This was the week for dentist appointments. Look who had her first cleaning and without a single TEAR!!


  1. Yea Josie! I wished we lived closer so that you could teach Tori that the dentist's office isn't scary and he/she is our friend!

    Anyway Hi to all the Kenwards!

    The Whaley's have been sick this holiday season except for JJ. In fact, I haven't looked at the computer for several days. Tori has RSV and ear infection, and Chris and I are suffering, too. (I even have an ear infection, too!)

    I did post on our new site today the pics of all our Xuwen treasures from the research project. So take a look when you have time.

    We are still lifting prayers for Chris's mom.

    It looks like you all had an awesome Christmas. We did, too, despite not feeling up to par.

    Thanks for the shopping tip about World Market. You look fabulous in your new coat and accessories.

    P.S. Don't feel alone. My contacts just came in today, so I have been sporting the glasses, too. (Not that I have really felt like wearing them!)

    Happy eve before New Year's Eve!

  2. Wow! What a brave little girl!

    I love your new header!

  3. Way to go Josie! Katie went last week and took along her "Dora Goes to the Dentist" book (which she pulled out often, interrupting the poor hygienist) but was a champ in the dentist chair too!

    Have a wonderful New Year celebration!

  4. Way to go Josie. I love your new blog look!

  5. Woot woot! Go Josie!
    Love all of the pictures!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.