December 11, 2009

On the 12th & 13th Day of December...

We enjoyed a few good books.
We indulged in hot drinks sprinkled with crushed peppermint candy.
We hung the stockings next to the fireplace with care.
We dug out from this week's blizzard.
We cuddled under cozy blankets.

We also did 6 loads of laundry, changed the kitty litter box, cleaned out the refrigerator, went grocery shopping, did some marathon Christmas shopping and attempted to get organized for the last week of school before CHRISTMAS BREAK!

PS. On Monday night, the school board will be making decisions on school cuts. My husband's social work position is secure, but his job responsibilities could be vastly different. Keep those positive thoughts/prayers coming.


  1. That snow is simpy amazing and beautiful beyond words! You are blessed to be able to enjoy a white Christmas each year :)
    Prayers being said for Chris. I know this is a stressful time, but know that you have many friends praying!
    We love you guys!

  2. Sounds like a busy and fun weekend..
    But you are always having fun..
    Have a great week.


  3. I'm glad Chris' job is secure. I've been through so many ups and downs these past few years. Will he be more administrative? Also wanted to thank you for the beaded wreath ornament. I'm not crafty but if Josie can do it I figured that I could share it as an activity for a Christmas party with the kids on my elementary school caseload. Keep your fingers crossed that no beads are thrown or ingested. :-) Sherry Franklin

  4. Kim,
    It is a blessing that Chris's job is secure. I hope that with the changes it doesn't equal more work for no extra pay. (Tennessee education is undergoing LOTS of changes, and all of us have/will be affected.) I will be sure to lift some extra prayers for this situation!

    I saw the forcast for your area, and I thought about all of you. I knew that you would make it fun for your family!

    Have a great last week before Christmas break!

  5. Very fun and busy work you and your girls are up to!! LOVE your darling self in the festive apron! ; )

  6. Sounds like another fun-filled weekend!
    Yeah, it just hit me today that Christmas break starts NEXT MONDAY!! AHHH! Time to look for lots of movies and activities to last a couple of weeks :)
    Have a great week-


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