December 5, 2009

A warm and cozy Saturday....

Chris headed back to Ann Arbor on Saturday to visit his mom in the hospital. Please keep those prayers coming. Her case is very complicated...diabetes, arthritis, congestive heart, pulmonary hypertension..etc. Even though she isn't leaving the hospital anytime soon, we continue to have faith with the University of Michigan hospital and their amazing staff.

While Chris was gone, we worked on the Chinese-themed Christmas tree in our sunroom. I'm rather happy with how it turned out. Be sure to click on the images to enlarge. The small pictures really don't do it justice.

Did you notice just how much snow we have in the backyard? It's so beautiful.

Wishing you all a warm and cozy weekend.


  1. Continued prayers... and lots of hugs!!!! LOVE the pics with all the snow. We were actually in the upper 50s/low 60s today... felt nice!!!

  2. I heart that tree!!! I's GORGEOUS! I'm going to start collecting things so I can do the same someday. :)

  3. Still praying for you and your family..
    LOVE ..LOVE ... LOVE the Asian tree..
    I have to start looking for some ornaments.. just love them.. as for the snow.. it is sooo BEAUTIFUL.. but I am not a snow will come over and play though..

  4. I love your tree. Prayers for your family.

  5. The view out the windows is just picture perfect and the tree is soooo great!! ; )

  6. Beautiful!! SO wishing for a day of snow this year in the south.
    Your Chinese tree is so gorgeous! If I only had room for one more tree, I would do the same thing!
    Keep us posted on MIL. Hugs to you all!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.