February 1, 2010

Year of the Tiger - CNY Craft Ideas

According to the Chinese Zodiac, the Year of 2010 is the Year of a Tiger (which is Emma's year) and begins on February 14, 2010 and ends on February 2, 2011. I've been collecting CNY Tiger crafting ideas and here are a few suggestions and websites that look fun.

Make a Tiger out of a brown paper bag

Chinese Paper Cut Craft
from Activity Village.

Year of the Tiger Envelope from Activity Village

Tiger Handprint drawing from Activity Village.

Tiger Foam Pouch from from Craftideas

Happy Crafting! Happy soon-to-be CNY!


  1. Love the tiger paper cut! Oh, and the picture of Josie is SO stinkin cute!!

  2. LOVE the cutout also.. very fun things ...
    But you are always on top of things..
    Have a great week..

  3. I found you googling tiger craft ideas. I need something cute for our CNY party on Sat!

    My name is also Kim, and I have adopted 3 from China, 2 SN- most recently in 2008, our son ToF who also required surgery the weekend we got home from China.

    It was fun to find you. Thanks for making my internet search so easy!

    Kim Brown

  4. you know i don't let my emily see your blog ... she would love to do a craft every 5 minutes ... oh why didn't God give me that talent or love !!

  5. Cute ideas! My favorite one is the tiger handprint drawing!

  6. Oh, cute ideas. Nina is always game for something crafty!

  7. So crafty - how do you find the time?

    Hey, what are your plans for CNY, can we get together? I think we're planing the GVSU thing on the 12th, but we'll plan on getting there ON TIME this year! Save a seat for at least 3-4 of us, okay?

    Oh, Kim Brown, one of your commenters on this post is a cyber friend of mine! Her youngest son is from Ella's CWI (one of only a handful to be adopted out from there).

    Anyway, let's get together again SOON!

  8. LOVE the Chinese jacket Josie is wearing! Can't wait to try some of these crafts ~ thanks so much!

  9. Love the lantern! Very cool..

    (I recommended your site today for a good place for CNY ideas!)

  10. oh fun! I'll have to try a couple of these.

  11. These are adorable! Thanks for sharing.

  12. I love all the things here. The craft industry may never go down because of talented persons such as you.


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.