March 15, 2010

The new half bath/laundry room unveil...

As much as I'd love to show off Emma's new bedroom, the cupboard doors aren't all installed yet. Measurements were a bit off and so we're still waiting for a few missing doors for her built-ins. However, the half bath/laundry room is officially done and we're ready to show it off.

Even though it's dreary and definitely gray outside, I'm pretending my new bathroom is at a beach house. If you click on the shelf picture to enlarge, you can probably figure out which state I live in.

I've never enjoyed doing laundry as much as I have recently. Going through all those weeks with the washer/dryer in the middle of my kitchen (and inoperable) made me appreciate the convenience of daily washing.

I've even used my new utility sink already...just because I can!!

We went from a full bathroom/laundry room to a half bath/laundry room. By reconfiguring our extra large bathroom into a half bath, we now have this kick-butt mudroom (someday we'll actually have hooks for our coats). Overall, we're pretty darn pleased with our construction project. I'm also very happy to be on the other side of it too. Goodbye drywall dust!!

***UPDATE ***
Karin from Our Treasurers from Afar won.
I've sent you an email.

PS. Tomorrow is our 2 year Josie anniversary. Get ready for pictures!! She's practically doubled in weight and size since March 16, 2008. Amazing what good nutrition and open-heart surgery can do. I still can't believe how far we've come with her physically and developmentally. She's such a blessing.


  1. How fun to have a "beach" bathroom! It's perfect! I am also still drooling over your new mudroom. You are such a lucky duck!

  2. Love the beach sign. The bathroom is great!

  3. BEAUTIFUL! LOVE the soft blue paint color... great choice!
    I had a "beach" bathroom in my last house and loved it. I know you are enjoying your lovely new additons. I know I am!

  4. I especially like the bead board in the mud room -- too pretty to be called a mud room.

  5. LOVE the beach bathroom.. you know me all about the beach..
    You all did a great job on the mud room,laundry and bathroom..
    have a great week..

  6. Love the beach bathroom and Mackinac Island is one of my favorite places in the world. Your project turned out so great!!

  7. I love the remodel and I have been meaning to tell you I am green with envy over your craft room. Congrats on your 2 year anniversary...


  8. LOVE IT! Blue and white is just so clean and calming--my favorite colors!
    Hopefully Emma's room will be done SOON!

  9. The remodel looks great. I am so happy this is behind you and now you can enjoy it!

  10. Hi Kim,
    You are certainly welcome to "steal" any of my ideas. (I steal yours quite frequently!) However, you may want to check out the "real" rainbow cupcakes on familyfun. They combined different colors of airheads to make a really pretty rainbow.

    That is too funny about your new half bath and your beach theme! Great minds. . .After Chris mentioned the beach with the colors I chose for our bathroom, well, I had decided to go for the beach theme, especially mermaids and kids on the beach.

    We really do need to get together. And I want to COME AND PLAY in your heavenly craft room!

    Tell Emma to hang in there with her room. (I still don't have my new tub!)

    I will be praying for Chris's mom and your time apart from your Chris. . .

    Much love,
    P.S. Happy second Forever Family Day!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.