March 17, 2010

Sometimes a girl just has to have her chocolate...

I had forgotten how much I loved making and EATING chocolate bird nests, until I saw Jodee's blog last week. This is such a fun Easter/Spring dessert.

Chow mein noodles (you could also use chopped coconut or cereal too)
chocolate chips
Jelly beans
candy coated chocolate eggs
marshmallow chicks
wax paper

Put chow mein noodles in a large bowl. Melt chocolate chips or pieces in the microwave, or over low heat on stove, just until melted and stir.

Pour melted chocolate over chow mein noodles, mix together to coat.

Place mounds of chocolate/chow mein mixture on top of waxed paper. Form the mixtures into nests. Be sure the chocolate has cooled, but don't wait too long or it will harden!

Place candy in center of nests. To speed up the drying process, place in freezer.


PS. I don't even want to admit how many nests the Momma consumed!


  1. Those are tooooooo CUTE..
    You come up with the cutest things..
    have a great week..

  2. as a non crafter and non baker and non cooker pay close attention to what I am about to say "I am totally going to make these with my kids!"

  3. Adorable pictures! It looks like you had a blast making nests! To my surprise, I didn't like the flavor of them so I didn't eat any!

    Hope you have a great day!

  4. Wow~ that is one cute dessert that this momma won't be making! It looks so yummy, but TOO messy for me :) Kudos to you! You are Mom of the Year in my book!!!!
    Love ya!!

  5. Josie is a girl after my own heart...yum to all chocolate.

  6. Josie looks so cute eating the chocolate! Glad she had a great time making them.

  7. That girls knows my language!! Chocolate! ; )

  8. Love this one. . .And Tori will, too. She is Miss Chocolate and the Peeps, well, let's just say she has discovered that sugary treat this year. She loves, loves those Peeps!

    Josie is a little kitchen diva. . .She is adorable helper for sure!

    Have a great weekend,
    Many hugs to you!

  9. making them this year, but the "rice crispy" version. You make rice crispy treats but use the noodles vs cereal.

    does that make sense?

    the peeps are a nice touch...


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