April 26, 2010

Date Night & Man Cave Pics

The last time we had a babysitter was in December. Neither Chris nor I have parents who live nearby and we've never done a good job of getting a regular babysitter on schedule. This past Friday, we actually got to enjoy a night on the town eating at our favorite tapas restaurant . We we spent the rest of the evening walking around the waterfront along the Grand river. Chris took a few pictures with his cell phone. The downtown is really lovely…don’t you think?

Our sitter is moving back across the state in 2 weeks for the summer. Why oh why, didn’t we take advantage of her more often? She’s an Education major at the same college that Chris and I met at. She even works at Josie’s daycare and Josie is extremely comfortable with her. Bottom-line, she's just the perfect babysitter. I can’t wait until Emma is old enough to watch Josie. Even though I love my girls, those date nights are priceless.

I promised Chris to show off pictures of his man cave. Some of you might think I take over (call the shots) decorating the house, but Chris actually has a (single) room that is filled with all his favorite stuff. When we put in new heat runs/duct work this winter, everything came down from the walls because we had to redo the ceilings. Over the weekend, Chris painted his walls and hung his stuff back up again. I'm sure after you look around, you can guess he's a huge Detroit sports fan.

I promise to post pictures of my latest acquisitions from this past weekend's antique market soon. I have some sanding and painting to do first (actually...Chris has some sanding and painting to do first) hee hee.


  1. I hope there are before sanding photos too!

  2. Ohhh a date night! How fun! I'm jealous - we have had a gift certificate for a nice restaurant in town for months and still haven't gotten there! No excuses!!!
    I'd like to go and bring my computer so we can get some work done in quiet.

    :) Can't wait to see your projects!

  3. Ooops - love the man cave too!
    Awesome - I wont show my hubby - he will be so jealous!

  4. Date nights are the best! We don't have them very often either!

    What a fabulous man cave! My hubs would love it!

  5. WOW...that is a really awesome man cave! Love how you decorated it!!! Date nights are wonderful...glad you had fun. I remember downtown GR quite well (those bridges anyway). :)

  6. Date nights are very important! Love the pictures of downtown's waterfront~makes me want to head down there some warm evening.

    Thanks for all your help with my blog. You are so much like your Mom~warm and generous. Hugs!

  7. date nights are priceless, we are just like you. We do not have a "regular" babysitter so those date nights don't come often.
    love to see the new renovation, everything looks awesome.


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