April 22, 2010

Give-away with a twist! Shabby Chic Candle

I love sharing crafting ideas with my followers. Even better, I love it when you tell me that you attempted them. This week's give-away comes with a slight twist. Instead of me giving you the finished product, I'm going to give you all the supplies (minus the glue and the candle). It's easy. I promise. This shabby chic candle is a perfect Mother's day gift or special gift to yourself.

*Mom - Skip this post!

Supplies needed:
Sheet music
Jar candle
Silk flowers
Costume jewelery earring
Hot glue gun

1. Remove the label from your jar candle and cover your jar in glue. I poured my glue onto a paper plate and used a paintbrush to evenly cover my jar.

2. Cut your sheet music to the width of your jar and cover. I overlapped the edges of the music.

3. Take your lace and cover the sheet music. Use your hot glue gun to secure the lace in place.

4. I then covered the lace with a strip of pink tulle and tied the tulle into a knot. I secured a costume jewelry earring onto the center of my tulle knot and hot glued a couple of silk flowers around my earring.

So, if you're interested in receiving the supplies to make your very own a shabby chick candle (this includes the sheet music, the pink tulle, the lace, the costume jewelry earring and a couple of pink silk flowers) just leave me a comment in this post. I promise I won't make you show us your final product...although I'd LOVE IT!!! I'm really hoping this new give-away concept doesn't fall flat (in other words please leave comments my faithful followers). I'll draw a winner on Sunday April 25th at 6pm Eastern Standard time. Happy Crafting!!

Please continue to keep this family in prayer as their adopted daughter Jiliang underwent open-heart surgery Tuesday morning.

I also ask that you keep this family in your prayers. Their son Andrew undergoes open-heart surgery today.


  1. Kim, what a cute idea! Love it! You have such fun crafts! Thank you for sharing!

  2. Great idea and creative! I just might have to try this..


  3. I have a jar candle just waiting to be dressed up. Sign me up!

  4. I love the candle idea. I have a ton of Yankee Candles that need some decorating. Count me in on the drawing!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.