April 8, 2010

One hint...

We are going here!

It will take several potty stops and a marathon of DVDs, but we are really excited about our road trip.

We're looking forward to catching up with our best friends. These are the same friends who also used to live in Manhattan. It's definitely fun to visit big cities with resident experts. I'll be back in a few days with pictures and adventures. Pinkie promise.


  1. Have a wonderful time!! :) It's always fun to see friends.

  2. Can I come, can I come, can I come????????? Pleeeeeaaaaase??

  3. Oooh! Have a great time! We will be heading there this summer for our adoption travel group's annual "Chinapalooza" reunion. Looking forward to the AG store, Chinatown, museums, food, etc.!

  4. have a great trip, spring break goes by too quick. can't wait to see pictures from your trip.

  5. I always love coming here and finding inspiration! And I would love to join you on your trip! Share with us your findings :).....Have fun!

  6. Have a great trip. I can't wait to hear all about it.

  7. And, I'll be going there next week. We never can seem to meet, can we?
    Hope your trip is blessed!

  8. Have a wonderful time! Can't wait to hear all about your trip!

  9. OK, I'm a bit envious, but very happy for you that you got to take the trip and visit friends! I love Chicago! Only been there once but I loved every minute. Such a beautiful city in many ways.

    OK, I've emailed you. I need you to come along with me on the latest adventure. ;) I was sharing as people emailed but I am sharing with you before you email, b/c like I said I need your encouraging words and *real* emails too! :)))


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.