May 24, 2010

She's a BEAUTY!

My new mint green (Cranbook Huffy) is even more beautiful in person. I {heart} it so much! My husband found this on but it's available via Walmart. At Walmart it is listed for $84 and they put it together for free!! Here's a link to my bike on the Walmart page.

The seat is so comfy and my wicker basket was perfect for our water bottles. We took it for a test drive on Sunday to our local ice cream garage. It was a lovely way to spend my pre-birthday celebration.

Speaking of my birthday, tonight's winner of my "Queen for the Day" crown is (Beach Momma at Life's A Beach 4 Us). Congratulations!

Thanks EVERYONE for celebrating my birthday with me. As much as I don't use my facebook account regularly (hardly ever because I'm still too addicted to my blog and can't give into two social medias because I'm already accused of being on my computer too much as it is) I loved seeing all the well wishes on my FB wall too. I've decided that 42 is only a number and a pretty darn good one.

Get ready for the next Kenward birthday. Josie is MORE than eager to get started on her rainbow birthday which we are celebrating on June 13th. Over the weekend, we created a pretty amazing rainbow to hang from the kitchen ceiling. Be sure to visit my blog tomorrow night for a rainbow preview. Party ON!!


  1. Happy Birthday Girly.. Love your new bike.
    Have a great week.

  2. Happy Birthday, Kim! Enjoy your new set of wheels! I love the basket!

  3. Love it!!!! Can't wait to see the fun y'all will be having with your bike this summer!

  4. Goodness, I've been missing all kinds of fun things on this site ;-)
    Well, again, belated happy birthday to an amazing mom, bloggy friend, crafter, decorator.... you name it!
    Blessings, Barb

  5. Ooohhhh, love the bike. Many cool photos could come from that... :) Happy Birthday, sweet friend!!!

  6. Happy Birthday (again) and enjoy your new bike! It certainly is a beauty. So are you going to start dazzling us wth new crafts to decorate our bicycles? Looking forward to Miss Rainbow's birthday party sneak-peak!

  7. Happy (belated) Birthday! And what a gorgeous bike! It's like flashback central, but without the rust!

  8. Cool bike. Looks like fun and if it rolls toward ice cream I know it's a keeper! Sherry

  9. Happy Birthday and I LOVE LOVE LOVE your darling new bicycle!!!! ; )

  10. Can you please tell where you found/got the bike basket?

    It just so happened that my husband surprised me with this exact bike this week!! I'd love to get a basket, but it so hard to find just the right one...I love yours!

    Can you e-mail me?



Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.