June 10, 2010

Do you hear angels singing???

I packed my last lunches of the school year this evening (cue the chorus of angels)!!! Friday is the last official day of school for Chris and Emma.

Although I'm still a full-time (year-round) University employee, I'm only responsible for "ME" and only "ME" starting next week. No more running around searching for Josie's cuddle buddy, gym shoes, the flute case, or making sure Emma is ready for the 6:40am band bus.

Even BETTER, do you realize how glorious it is to have a Mr. Mom home during the summer with the girls?

My Mr. Mom can even start the laundry and load/empty the dishwasher. I'm a lucky girl.

In other exciting news,
we celebrated Josie's official birthday this evening.

One of her favorite new toys is this wok that I picked up at Tuesday Morning.

It comes with all kinds of food and it even makes sizzling sounds (with the help of a couple of AA batteries).

Only 3 days until Josie's RAINBOW party!


  1. awww...Happy Birthday Josie. how time flies. You are so lucky to have a "Mr. Mom" every year, every summer :-)))
    We will have to get together soon.

  2. Happy Birthday Josie!!!! I am so happy that you have your Mr. Mom home. Let the summer fun begin at your house. I can't believe how fast my summer vacation is going.

  3. Happy Birthday Josie and Happy summer girls. Our officila last day was last Thursday however my last day was not until last Friday. Oh the joys of summer...popsicles dripped across the kitchen floor, extra loads of laundry because they get all sweaty and dirty outide and the loads of dishes...Just kidding. I am so glad it is finally here :)
    Have a great one, oh and i have to look for that wok, it is too cute :)

  4. Happy Birthday, Josie!! That is an adorable cake! :) I hear you about the lunches...so glad you get a break from that. I quit making lunches because my girls continually complained about my choices, so I finally told them to just make their own. They were fine with it and ta-da...no more lunch making for the big kids! :)

  5. Oh what FUN!
    Happy Birthday to Josie and hurray for summer for Chris and Emma!
    Summer has to be easier on you, Kim. Enjoy the weekend and the Rainbow party!

  6. Whooo hoooo! Let summer begin! How fun for the girls to have Mr. Mom home! My hubby is the same way! In fact, he is wayyyy more domestic than I am!

    Happy Birthday, Josie! Can't wait for the rainbow party!

  7. Happy Birthday to your little girl! 4 is one of my very fave ages!

    Have a great weekend!


  8. What a little doll Josie is....you're a lucky Momma, but you know that already.

    Happy Birthday, Josie!!! Happy Summer Emma and Chris!!!


  9. Happy Birthday Josie! I wish you many many many more! Big hugs from Miami, Florida!

    Lovely post Kim :)

  10. Happy Birthday Josie..
    Looks like a great evening.. Love the wok..
    Glad the girls are out for summer.

  11. I can't wait for the rainbow party pics!!! I AHHH-DORE that wok!!!!!!! PG's a little too old for it, but I know she would have LOVED it at that age!!! ; )


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