August 11, 2010

I can't help myself...

Remember these bottles from last month's Allegan Antique Market?

Eventually, they will get a Halloween potion makeover.

Until then, I've been enjoying them with our summer flowers.

I realize it's only the first part of August, but I've got Halloween decorating on the brain (local sure to keep October 30th open for our annual family-friendly Halloween party to benefit Pearl River Outreach).

Over the weekend, I gave one of the dolls that I picked up last month a witch make-over.

She's got several other witchy friends to hang out with in my craft room.

I just can't help myself when these kinds of things start arriving in my mailbox. Or coworkers, start giving me Halloween catalogs...wink wink.

Anyone else eager to see the Martha Stewart 2010 Halloween magazine? Or, am I the only one who has been surfing the Halloween section of her website?


  1. Those glass bottles are sooo flippin' cute! I love the flowers in them.

    Bring on the Halloween fun! I was working on Carson's costume just yesterday!

  2. I love Martha's Halloween mag. I have several form the past years. I have not been to her site yet, but have to look now. You are making me want to craft halloween stuff too!

  3. you are amazing. wish I lived closer. you might teach me something..
    Have a great day..

  4. I saw these and thought of my fellow halloween lover, too bad they are $$$

  5. Love the glass bottles! I can't wait to see them all decorated for Halloween though I am not ready to say goodbye to summer yet!

  6. so beautiful!!!
    love your witchy dolls!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.