August 5, 2010

It's never too early... start thinking about Halloween!!

You also still have time to leave a comment for my beach shell picture frame give-away.
See this post.


  1. I love watching you guys plan for this. I have a new appreciation for Halloween. I so wished I lived closer, Logan and I would be there for sure!

  2. How I would LOVE to come see the show you put on!! Texas is a bit too far away, but oh---I know your parties have to be a BLAST! She looks WAY TOO CUTE! You know we are BATMAN people in this PandaHouse!

  3. Funny, I just ordered the girls' costumes (Rosetta and Silvermist)yesterday! They are actually for The Queen's upcoming very fairy birthday party, but hopefully they will want to wear them for Halloween too. I wish you lived closer so we could come to your Halloween event. Souds like fun!

  4. Too cute! And that smile...
    I am getting in the mood to decorate for Halloween. I am surprised I haven't seem more stuff in the stores. Most friends think me daft but I look forward to it every year!

  5. That costume is adorable! I am soooo ready for Halloween!

  6. Too cute! You know that her pose reminds me of my favorite Batman (Michael Keeton) and his.. ."I'm Batman" line.

    Yep, we have Tori's costume ready...Tinkerbell, but J has yet to decide on his.

    Our Emmie is a sweetie like your Emma. I know that they would be fast friends if they lived in the same neighborhood and went to school together.

    Hope you all have a great weekend. How is the treehouse coming?
    Many hugs,
    P.S. What I wouldn't give to be able to attend your Halloween Extravaganza!

  7. I love the costume!!! How adorable

  8. I love reading your blog and the great craft and recipe ideas. My sister adopted a three and a half year old girl from China in April of this year. What a joy she is and a wonderful addition to our family! I would love to know where you go the batgirl costume. Thank you.
    Julyn Schroeder

  9. Josie's costume is from Costume Express.

    We tend to purchase quite a few things from their site at Halloween. She's obsessed with all things batman or batgirl thanks to her cousins.


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.