August 29, 2010


I'll let the latest tree house construction pictures speak for themselves.

The roof and siding are next on the list. Eventually, you'll also see a safety railing along the wrap-around deck . Chris starts back with meetings at his elementary schools on Tuesday. Thank goodness for the upcoming long Labor day weekend. This tree house/guest house has turned into a something "extra" special.

Have a sweet week ahead!


  1. VERY NICE...
    Love it..
    Looks like you guys are doing very well on this WAY COOL tree house..
    I want to come and play..
    Have a great week.

  2. OMGoodness...that is amazing! Your girls will have so much fun in that. :)

  3. Looks like it is coming along. Sorry to hear your husbands summer schdedule is coming to an end. Hope he has a great school year.

  4. Oh my word! It keeps getting better and better! Your hubby rocks!

  5. Wow! What a wonderful play house! Your husband is doing a terrific job. The girls will always remember this special place!
    Did you go to Allegan today? Can't wait to see the new goodies!

  6. Oh this is coming along so great! Can't wait to see it all finished :)

  7. Wowee! That is really cool! Can't wait to see it all finished.



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