September 3, 2010

Preschool & Thrifty Autumn Garland

Josie switched rooms this week and is officially in preschool. So far, it's going well.

Although she did inform me when I put her to bed last night that she "wasted" her lunch because she was too busy talking. Yep. That sounds about right. She's my little social butterfly.

Remember the original garland that I brought home from the Dollar Tree?

I enhanced it with coffee stained book pages and it now looks like this.

One of my favorite thrift stores sells books for a quarter and I took the book apart, brushed coffee on the pages and let them dry in the sun.

I then traced one of the leaves onto cardboard to make a stencil and cut out several leaves from the coffee stained paper.

I then hot glued them to the leaves on the garland to give it some dimension.

Super easy and super cheap.

Happy crafting!
My craft room is going to get a work-out this long holiday weekend!!


  1. Ohh my lands - that is soooo cute!!! Of course I'm talking about Josie!!!
    What a sweetie!! I have a few social butterflies too! :)

    I love the garland!!! So cool!! You just amaze me!!! I love fall and l.o.v.e this craft!!!

  2. Terrific idea about the garland! Love the idea of filling it in and aging the pages with coffee. My problem is that I keep thinking in miniature...
    I hope Josie continues to enjoy school! Looking forward to seeing Emma's first day of school picture~
    I should make an album of all those pictures of my boys...sweet memories!

  3. Yea, Josie! You are certainly a cutie-pie preschooler!

    I hope to delve into my fall decor this weekend. But, Chris gave me a surprise this week. . .We are ready to purchase my crafting/scrapbooking cabinet! I am sooo excited! So, I may start getting my stuff ready for that.

    Either way, I am ready for the long weekend! Have lots of fun in your crafting room!
    Many hugs,

  4. You are amazing..
    love it.
    Love the back to school photos..

  5. She is such a cutie. My girl still talks about how much fun preschool was!

    What a great idea on the garland -- you are so clever! Have a fun long weekend!



Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.