October 1, 2010

Such a tease...

I've been talking about my last Allegan Antique Market of the season, but I never shared any pictures. Here's a few shots of my stash.

My favorite purchase was the lamp.

I gave it a Halloween makeover with my hot glue gun, some beaded trim and one of my famous Halloween bingo cards.

It's now tucked in the corner of my kitchen.

I've got big plans for everything else. Right now it's 10pm at night, the girls are in bed, I've got laundry going, but I'm up to my elbows in art supplies and my craft room is a total disaster.

Have I said how much I love having my own room to make a mess? I can even shut the door and pretend the mess isn't there. I'm feeling very festive and so a Halloween give-away will be happening soon. Have a great weekend and happy crafting!


  1. You find the coolest things!! You have inspired me to look at some of the antique shops around here. Some are way overpriced, but I have found a few good ones that had things I liked. :) I scored a really cool old buggy for $25 a few weeks ago. I heart it sooo much!! :)

  2. Have a great weekend. I always love to see the treasures you find. I am glad to hear that I am not the only one with a messy craft room!!!!

  3. you are amazing! I love your bingo cards!!! The lamp is waaaayyy cool!!!Have a wonderful crafty weekend!

  4. I sooo wish I lived near you .. I need some decorations in my house.. you are soooo crafty..
    love ya..


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.