November 14, 2010

Where Kim K. craft room tour

Are you ready for lots of pictures? This will be a long post of photos and explanations. As promised, I spent Saturday afternoon cleaning and organizing my special room in preparation for a mini photoshoot. I hope you enjoy the tour of my craft room and favorite collections. I'm not lying when I say it's my favorite room in my entire house. Between you and me, I can't believe how many items I've added to the room since I took pictures last spring. Allegan Antique market and Changing Thymes in Grandville must really like my business...hee hee!

When we were designing my craft room (which used to be a former guest room) I spent hours pouring through the blog "where woman create". Another one of my craft room inspirations was Jenny B from allsorts. She's a children's illustrator and her studio is just delightful. She has many of the same items that I collect...paper lanterns, vintage hankies, dollhouses..etc. You can find more pictures of her studio, here.

Because my craft room only has 1 window and it's located in our finished basement, I chose yellow for a light-sunny atmosphere. The other color palates in my room include melon and green apple. I started collecting Chinese checkerboards as a way to compliment my paper lanterns and the outfits that we purchased for Emma and Josie when we were in China.

Speaking of checkerboards, I managed to find another checkerboard over the weekend at my favorite Mission Thrift store. It was .50 cents and I just love the graphics on the box.

The suitcase is filled with sheet music and extra scrapbooking paper. Next to the suitcase is my turntable and radio. The girls and I just love playing records while we're hanging out in my craft room. If you look carefully, you'll also notice the paper kite hanging from the ceiling.

The paper kite was purchased in Beijing and it wasn't the easiest thing to transport home but the graphics and detail are just gorgeous.

Next to the kite, is my owl clock and my window. I'm using vintage hankies as a curtain valance.

I have a few collections sitting in my window sill. The wooden bunny toy was given to me last year for my birthday (thanks, Chris).

The yellow house on the end was designed by my mother. She's certainly my biggest inspiration when it comes to crafting. She's so talented. Nothing is beyond her ability. Her oil paintings are amazing and don't even get my started bragging on her miniatures and her quilts. We grew up doing lots and lots of craft projects and I hope my girls enjoy doing them as much as I did. Love ya, Mom!

Directly in front of the window is my counter/cabinet.

The cabinet originally was in my grandparents clothing store so it has a special place in my heart. Chris painted it to coordinate with my craft room colors and we added a laminate top large enough to accommodate stools.

On one end of the counter is a roll for paper and the other end has a series of buckets for easy reach for the girls. The paper roll and buckets both came from Ikea.

I added the lace around the buckets because I didn't want them scratching up the side of the counter. Next to the counter are my two hutches. I have two Fern Bisel Peat drawings and framed on the wall. The quilt hanging next to my chair was created by my mother.

The new white hutch is filled with my Christmas crafting supplies. I love getting busy with glue and glitter so that I can create cardboard houses and Christmas bottle brush trees.

Some of my houses are vintage finds that just needed a little tender-loving care to get them looking festive again.

Lodged between my two hutches is a comfy chair, a cozy quilt and my new lamp. My lamp was a recent find in Traverse city at a new antique mall (thanks for the tip, Lee).

In theory, I'd love to sit there and read, but it hasn't happened yet. My cat, Penny tends to enjoy the chair more than I do.

The dollhouse on the floor was a steal from the Allegan Antique market.

The dollhouse interior is completely bare, but at Christmas the exterior gets decorated and sits on my sunroom shelf. I just love the red and green graphics. Next to my white hutch and chair is my melon painted hutch.

It's filled with all kinds of crafting supplies.

Next to my hutch is a bunch of toys. It's one of my favorite corners in my room. You just can't help but smile when you see all the fun playthings.

The final wall of the craft room features a bookcase filled with every single Mary Engelbreit Home Companion in publication (can you tell how much I still miss that magazine??) and my favorite craft books.

On top of the bookshelf is a doll dresser, an owl teapot and a few other favorite goodies.

The shelf above the bookcase is filled with items that I had on display in Emma's baby nursery. They include my baby dishes, my silver cup and rattle and a few porcelain baby shoes.

Next to the shelf is my kitty collection.

I have several other vintage children's records hanging on the bulkhead.

Next to the bookcase is the infamous closet.

This is what I spent 3 hours organizing on Saturday.

It's the girls craft supplies and they were a HUGE mess. I can now proudly say that everything is in its proper bin. Not sure how long it will last, but it looks pretty darn good right now.

As you can see I love fun containers and I love to have them on display whenever possible.

I also tend to pull out seasonal items to have on display depending on the holiday that I'm crafting for.

So my tour concludes. This room is where the magic begins and where I stay until the wee hours of the night. Thanks so much for stopping by. I can hardly wait to get this room messy again.

Linking up with:

Be sure to check out other great craft rooms!


  1. Oh my gosh, Kim!
    I am in love with your beautiful craft room! I love all of your wonderful collections. I think one of my favorites are your great Christmas houses. Love! And I love all of the bright and cheery colors, too. The roll of paper is such an awesome idea! Do you use it to cover your worktop? Thanks so much for the fun tour!!

  2. I would be right at home in this space! So many cute treasures you've collected...I'm sure they provide lots of inspiration ;) Thanks for sharing!!!

  3. WOW... I can't believe all the crafts you have in there..
    Love it.

  4. Just wonderful and inspiring, too!
    I wonder if I can persuade my husband to help me turn my workspace into something I would be inspired to work in...or I just need to start working towards that myself!
    Thanks so much for the tour!
    PS Did I see a new owl ornament?

  5. Hey Kim,
    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving your sweet comments...because not only is it so nice to meet you, but you stopping by my blog led me back to yours and what fun! I love your blog, what a fun place...Your craft room is's precious, every little detail. I'd love to get busy in there, and I'm sure your girls and you have a big time crafting together in such an inspirational space :)
    I'm off to explore more of your blog...I'll be following you.
    Big Hugs,

  6. Kim I love it!! The bright colors are so happy and the fact that youve brought in so many personal elements must make it a very special place for you to create.

  7. Good heavens! How can so many treasures be in one room? It is honestly the coolest room I have ever seen. You have shared so many cool crafts with our family over the years. Our VERY favorite is the button and bead Christmas trees. And we look forward to pulling them out of storage again this year!!
    Thanks for such an awesome post! My girls want to know why we don't have a room like yours!!! I wish you could come here and help me get started on creating one with the few treasures I do have :)
    Love you!!

  8. Wonderful, a crafter's dream room. All the details, collections and organization really super!

  9. My first thought was, "I thought this woman owned a cat? She's crazy to have this much breakable stuff out!" Then I mellowed out and really settled into the tour, feeling the envy grow with each photo. You have a gorgeous room in which to create; truly unique and inspiring.

  10. Kim,
    Well, you know that I am in love with that great craft room. Maybe one of these days, I can get my upstairs landing converted to mine. Right now, they are still putting in trim and such in the bathroom, so my pretties and such would just be in the way. My scrapbooking cabinet is on hold for now. . .just not in our budget with all the other projects.

    You really make me wish we lived much closer! I would be coming over all the time to use all that glorious space and enjoy all lovely decor. . .

    Have a great week!

  11. Oh my goodness, what a wonderful room!! I am so jealous. It certainly looks like a fun and inspirational place to create!

    I also kept all of the Mary Engelbreit Home Companion magazines! The magazine used to feature the best interiors. Too bad it's no longer available.

  12. LOVE it! I love how it's a beautiful space filled with more than just 'supplies'.
    Thanks for the tour!

  13. I am drooling! What a fabulous craft room to hang out in! I love all of your fun organizers too! Happy Crafting!

  14. Wow...that is quite a room! I could spend hours in there just looking at all the things you have collected. I wish I lived close to you to go to flea markets. I could use some vintage toys to use as props for photography. :)

    Maybe someday....

  15. Kim this is just heaven. I want to come and sit just to take a peek at all the goodies. You have displayed them so uniquely. I am just taken with this room. Wonderful. No wonder your creations are so great...Renee

  16. I am absolutely drooling over all of this. I so wish I had a room dedicated to craft. I love how you have incorporated great organization (all those pipe cleaners in canisters) with really amazing vintage finds. Absolutely love this tour, one of the nicest craft rooms I have seen.

  17. OK, now I officially love your craft room. I like how you incorporate all the toys into it. And the christmas houses are gorgeous too!

  18. wow! we have a lot in common! our decorating styles and the things we love are very similar. what fun we would have out shopping and thrifting together! I love your craft room. mine is much smaller and I had a comfy chair in mine that never got used.. except for by the cats so I finally gave it to my daughter for her apartment!
    anyways.. gotta get ready for work, but wanted to tell you I love your creative space!

  19. Your room could double as a museum with all your special collections! Wow. :) Thank you for sharing the joy of Roomspiration: Craft Rooms with your readers today. We are delighted to have you. Come back and visit Family Brings Joy anytime!

  20. WHAT A FUN ROOM,I love everything in it and just want ot come over and play with everything! You have some trully beatiful treasure. thank you for sharing them with us.

  21. I LOVE your craft room! I don't know if it still looks like this-but it sure is cute with lots of goodies in there! Have been enjoying your blog!!! :)


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.