December 9, 2010

Band, Basketball & Braces

This post is dedicated to Emma (who is under the weather today...please show her a little love). It highlights her holiday band concert, her dance troop which performs during halftime of the 7th/8th grade basket ball games, and the return of braces.

We're so proud of you, Emma. You are always so eager to practice your flute and your dedication really shows in how well you play.

Emma is also on dance team which performs at the the 7th/8th grade basketball games.

Go Emma, Go!

AND she's sporting braces again.

Doesn't she look cute?

Emma's Aladdin musical practice starts soon too.
We're so proud of our busy 7th grader.


  1. Feel better, Emma, you're needed in too many places to be sick for long!
    (Welcome to womanhood...)

  2. Emma what a great job with all your activities. You are doing so good. Hope you feel better get some rest today. Love the Aunties

  3. You must be so proud of her and all of her accomplishments!

  4. Hope Emma gets feeling better soon! Such a beautiful young lady!!

  5. Emma is very sweet!

    Love your tree in the picture!


  6. Emma you are such an accomplished young woman!! I am amazed at all of your activities!
    Halley just went into braces for the first time...she isn't very happy about it :( Feel better sweet girl!

  7. The band sounds great. She is becoming a beautiful young lady and can pull off wearing braces! Hope she is feeling better soon.

  8. Love the update.. and Emma is looking BEAUTIFUL in those pretty braces... Have a great weekend..
    I will try and get my blog updated..I am sooo behind..UGH...

  9. What a fantastic year Emma is having! So much fun to be in band and dance troup and a musical! Enjoy the times, Emma! Your beautiful smile is contagious!

  10. You must be one proud mama. What a talented gal!


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