December 1, 2010

Christmas blessings countdown jar...

Last year we started a Christmas Blessings Jar as a way to countdown the holiday.

It ended up being one of our favorite new family traditions. Using construction paper and some scrapbooking holiday paper, I made a paper chain with 25 links.

Each night, we each took a turn removing a new link from our chain. Then, we alternated and recorded what we were thankful for on the removed link and put them in our blessings jar. The blessings were kept secret from one another (aside from Josie who needed a little help with the writing part). On New Year's eve, we read the blessings out loud. I packed away the jar and kept the blessings from last year.
I'm planning on typing them up to keep a record of our yearly blessings. It's good to remember ALL that we are blessed with....even when our furnace decides to die on Monday night...sigh.

Merry Christmas and blessings to your own family!


  1. Oh my word! What a fabulous idea! I should totally borrow that idea! Great pictures!

  2. That is the coolest idea ever - I am totally gonna do that! Thank you so much! I was just about to write my post for the day on my blog asking for ideas to help keep the Christmas spirit! I am totally going to link to this idea, k? :)
    thank you - you made my day!

  3. What a sweet way to remind everyone that there are so many things we have to be thankful for. I am so sorry your furnace died though and hope you were able to get it fixed!

  4. What a great tradition! You will love having a record of that for the future!!

  5. Oh, I am so sorry about your furnace. These house things seem to happen at the worst time, don't they?

    Your Christmas blessings countdown jar is a wonderful thing. I bet the girls will always remember this family tradition.

  6. Another good idea!
    Love the Santa picture of the girls~I miss that tradition now our boys are grown and moved so far away.
    Thanks for sharing!

  7. What a wonderful idea. The picture of the girls with Santa is precious!

  8. LOVE this idea! Kaylin had made something similar at school and now I'm gonna add the Christmas blessing idea to it, too!! Thank you!! And tell me you got that furnace fixed up in the cold north, please!!??


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