December 7, 2010

A visit with Santa and a trip to the gardens...

Last week, we had Chris's cousin in town and we ventured to Frederik Meijer Gardens to see Santa, tour the Christmas trees from around the world, and enjoy the railroad garden. If you listen closely to the video, you'll hear Josie ask Santa for Buzz Lightyear and a Batman & Robin batcave. Care to take any guesses on what Santa (and/or a special Aunt) might be bringing this year?

I've included a few of our favorite pictures from the evening.

I think Emma was in shock or a tad bit embarrassed by Josie's toy requests...hee hee.

We are so blessed to have the gardens and sculpture park just minutes from our home. I could go visit every day. It's so beautiful.

Next up, a crafting project that required needle & thread....AND I actually enjoyed it!


  1. Wow! What a fabulous night and sweet Santa too! Great pictures! I especially love the last one!

  2. Emma is a such a good big sister!! I love that Josie is so very earnest in her conversation with Santa. Merry Christmas to all.

  3. seeing the Christmas trees at the Gardens is one of my favorite things to do! I usually go between Christmas and New Years with my girls...I will take any bit of multiculturalism I can find : )

  4. That pink elephant is AWESOME. I assume the antique ornaments are on a "german" tree? Beautiful. I wonder how they keep them from being broken by a million people!

  5. Josie is so adorable, and Emma is such a sweet big sister! Very cute post!

  6. Great family pic and I LOVE the one where the girls are both looking at the camera with CUTE!!

  7. That's a HUGE day out! And what shining little faces- yours included.

  8. Wow -- what a neat place! You are so lucky! BeautifuL!! So funny that she asked Santa for those -- but good to know, right! Cute photos! You have such an adorable family!


  9. Wonderful pictures! Love the video. I love Meijer Gardens-it is a magical place that I keep visiting!
    Thanks for sharing!

  10. beautiful! Such cute pics of the girls with Santa. :)


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.