February 11, 2011

Army Tanks & Easy V-Day Food

My nephews made these army tanks for their Valentine card boxes and I just had to show them off. If you are new the blog, see this post for Carson's military inspired birthday party.

Aren't they ironically fabulous!!!

Ready for a few easy V-Day food ideas?
Apparently our deer are also ready for some easy food too.

Sandwich two sugar cookies with frosting. Squeeze together so that the icing squirts out, roll in sprinkles so that they stick to the icing. The owl plastic plates were purchased several years ago at Target.

Take pre-made pizza crust, cut into a heart shape with your kitchen sheers, garnish with your favorite ingredients, bake and EAT!

I shared this last February and it's so fun, I think it needs to be repeated again. I'm also including a recipe for apple-stuffed french toast. It's out of this world!! The pictures below were taken with a traditional french toast recipe.

Cut out a heart from a piece of paper. Set the heart aside and use the heart outline to form a stencil. Place the stencil on top of your french toast and sprinkle powdered sugar in the stencil.

Remove stencil and shake excess powdered sugar into the sink. Repeat with additional pieces of french toast. Enjoy!

Have a delicious weekend!


  1. Ohhh we are soo having french toast next week! :) Pizza is pretty cool too!
    But the tank valentine box - L.O.V.E. I.T.!!!!!!!!
    That's so cool!

  2. Holy cow! You made your own heart shaped pizza?! I am sooo impressed! We bought ours at a local pizza joint and just baked it!

    Love the deer picture! You have the most fabulous property!

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  3. Yum that sandwich! I want it for breakfast!


    PS> thank you, again so much for the Valentine goodies!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Now I'm hungry!
    Love the pictures of the deer-they are such fun to watch.
    Looks like your whole family has the creative gene!
    Your nephew's Valentine boxes will be a big hit at school.
    TGIF! Have a great weekend!

  6. Im pretty sure you're the greatest mom on Earth lol :0)

  7. That is by far the best Valentine box I have seen. Where was this when my boys were in Elementary. Love it. Thanks for the yummies. Those deer are beautiful. Our birds have been abundant this season with all the snow.

  8. What a cleaver Valentine box. All these ideas are teriffic...love the heart-shaped pizza.

  9. Are these the same nephews who had that wonderful military themed birthday party?

    Thanks for sharing the valentine ideas. French toast is my favorite breakfast...the powdered sugar hearts really make it special.

  10. Wow...those are cool tanks! Love the pizza and french toast idea. :)

  11. This is why I can't skip blog visits- that stencil idea would have been marvelous on our V Day pancakes!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.