February 16, 2011

A walk in the deep, deep, DEEP woods...

On Saturday, we took a family walk behind our property.

Consumer's Energy owns the land behind our home and it's fairly undeveloped. As you can tell by my deer posts, the land is filled with lots of wildlife. As much as they are beautiful, they have been known to turn our yard into a salad bar.

If you walk far enough behind our property, it even has a tiny stream/creek.

With over eighteen inches of snow, it was the quite the workout. Since Saturday, we've had a surprise warm-up but it's going to take a lot of warm weather/rain to get rid of these snow banks.

Josie was pulled on the sled and occasionally, Emma joined her. A 7th grader is bit harder to pull.

It was a beautiful walk.

Yes. We did prop the camera on top of the sled for a family picture.
It only took 1 attempt!


  1. Sooo beautiful!!! A beautiful day for a beautiful family!!

  2. Wow, that's a lot of snow! The little brook behind your house is sooooooo picturesque, and that family portrait? Perfection on the first try!

  3. What a great family photo! And that's ALOT of snow! Finally starting to melt here, too! Yeah! Your stream looks wonderful. Oh, our backyard is a "deer buffet", too!

  4. Wonderful pictures-especially the one of your family!
    Great idea to walk out in the woods....I am content to sit inside! That is the difference in our ages. LOL
    I am excited about our upcoming adventures...but NLT the early and looong drive.

  5. Beautiful. My favorite part of snow is how quite it makes the world. It just cleans everything up to have the floor so white. So much fun. Smiles, Renee

  6. I used to go for walks with my grandparents back in their woods and those are memories I'll always cherish. Its those little things that really mean the most

  7. What cute pictures...the one of you all at the end is simply perfect!

  8. Gorgeous winter and I LOVE that family pic!!!!!!! It's a framer! ; )

  9. Holy cow! I can't believe the amount of snow you still have! That is complete craziness!

    Your property looks fabulous! I love the family picture too!

    Hope you had a Happy Hump Day!

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Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.