March 7, 2011

Apron Banner...

Remember this apron at Valentine's?

My obsession with half aprons continues and now I have an apron banner in my craft room.

I have a certain vendor that takes very good care of me. At $2 apiece, I could pass them up and brought home several (along with a bunch of other goodies).

Each apron either got new trim and some sort of embellishment. With a $1 vintage flowered hat, I took the flowers apart and added a clip-on earring or silk flower to the center of each blossom.

My favorite apron is this pale yellow one.

I added some new trim and a mini crotchet pot holder
to the pocket.
I'm thinking of hanging it in my yellow kitchen
and clipping favorite recipe cards on it.

I once found a sewing pattern for making half aprons at my favorite mission thrift store.

It's now proudly framed in my craft room
because I can't sew.

I'm "almost" out of wall space in my craft room...hee hee.

PS. I'm getting on a plane to Nashville Tuesday for a work conference and I'm home with a sick Josie. It's the first time I've been away from the girls' since Josie's adoption. I'm feeling sentimental. All my past work conferences have been in the summer and I've brought the whole family. If I'm not around as much this week on your blogs, please know that I'll be back. Don't you fret, I do have several blogging posts ready to go in my absence. I was a mad scientist in my craft room this weekend.



  1. Love the aprons! I should ask my Mom about Gramma's aprons-she wore one every day so they bring me smiles thinking of warm embraces and happy memories.
    Sure hope Josie feels better so you can leave for the conference without regret.I wonder if you will come home with thrift shop treasures?!
    Enjoy the week!

  2. I love vintage aprons but I have not gotten any at that good of a deal! Your banner of them on the wall is so cute.

  3. I cannot even pick a favorite. They are all so gorgeous. I do love that blue one. The flowers are shabby and perfect. Enjoy your week. Hope Josie feels better soon...Smiles...Renee

  4. Uh-oh, out of wall space?? Tell Chris you're just going to have to take over more rooms in the house lol

    I sure Josie feels better soon, and have a safe flight!

  5. Oh my gosh, Kim! Your aprons are just adorable! I love how you embellished them with the vintage flowers and earrings! Your creations make me think so much of Mary Engelbreit! You really could write a book just about all of your wonderful ideas! And I know that you will miss your girls and hubby dearly while you are away! Hope your week goes quickly. If you get a chance, go to the town of Franklin, it is not far from Nashville, and cram packed with THE neatest shops! You would love it! Maybe you have already been there? That is where alot of country music singers live, too. Hope you get a chance to go! Take care!

  6. Your aprons are so pretty. What sweet embellishments! What a great pattern you found.

    Have a great day,
    Laura and Michele

  7. Giant rick rack for apron clothesline.....priceless!

  8. Wow, now THAT'S a collection! And I just love the framed pattern.

    I remember my first business trip after the children were born, but I wasn't leaving a sick little bunny behind. Hang in there Kim.

  9. Hi Kim,
    Safe travels to Nashville...The weather will be mild, but bring a rain jacket! I don't know where you are staying, but there are some great places to eat and shop for any down time you might have.

    I hate leaving my kids...And I know that you have your hands full with a sick Josie-bug! I hope that she gets well soon...

    Beautiful aprons...reminds me of several ladies from my youth.
    Many hugs...

  10. Your banner of aprons is adorable. Hopefully by the time you read this comment, Josie is on the road to recovery and you are enjoying the conference!

  11. What a darling apron banner!! I am getting ready to make a crochet doily banner but I might have to try this idea too!

  12. Love the apron banner.

    Hope Josie is feeling better soon!

    Safe travels!

  13. VEry all the aprons and what you have done with them. Hope that the conference is going well.

  14. so beautiful and original. i would love it if you shared this at my party today.

  15. Drooling over those aprons. Love, love.

  16. Hi Kim,
    I'm Shirley and I found you over at Mary's Share The Love Wednesday..I hope Josie is on the mend soon. I'm now following you as I love your aprons and ca't wait to see what else you have hidden away for us to see..
    Have a wonderful time.

  17. Pretty aprons and you made them even more so with your embellishments. Love the way you have them displayed. ~~Sherry~~

  18. Traveling mercies on your trip and I loved your pretty aprons and bling. Lovely.

  19. What a sweet post! I love the aprons and how you dressed that window! Happy VTT!

  20. What a wonderful assortment of aprons you have. The best part is the fact that your giving some precious child a good home. Blessings to you and your family.

  21. How cute is that!! I love your blog header too ~ so I have to follow you. I hope that Josie starts feeling better soon. What a precious little gal she is.

    Susan and Bentley

  22. What a cute way to display your aprons. I'll have to check out some of your other posts. Your craft room looks very cute from this picture.

  23. i LOVE your apron banner..what a great way to display them! i collect aprons & vintage patterns too..i love how you've framed your pattern, ssoo clever!!

  24. So sweet--love that idea and I love how you embellish them to make them your own. True talent! Thanks for linking up to my Share the Love party!

  25. I so love your aprons. Wow, at $2 a piece, I'd own tons. Lucky you to get them at that price. What a great way to display them.

  26. What a clever idea, the apron banner is! I LOVE vintage aprons - this is TOO cool! Happy Thursday - Tanya

  27. Hi Kim, talk about creative, I love your aprons and how you make them special. Your display is such a fun idea. Good for you.

    Hugs, Jeanne

  28. Your apron banner is lovely. I especially love the vintage flowers with costume jewelry centers. You are so creative.

  29. I love the vintage aprons and how you have them displayed is great and the vintage apron pattern is perfect.

  30. Your aprons are beautiful alone and as a banner and I just love your framed pattern!

  31. I love your apron banner. To tell you the truth I think the clothes pegs make it much more interesting than if it were sewn.

  32. Kim, I would like to feature you apron banner at my party next week, would you please send me a picture for my post? Thanks Tammy

  33. Oh. My. Goodness. Your apron banner has got to be the cutest thing EVER! Adore!

  34. Wow, I love all the half aprons! I have a few of my own and have to say, I love them! My favorite thing you posted a photo of has to be the Valentine themed apron banner. That is just too cute! Thanks for sharing. I loved the visit.

  35. I love these ideas. I love old aprons. Great way to display them!

  36. Catching up on my reading, so I have come to this late. I adore vintage half aprons and I love what you have done with yours as a display. They can't all be worn and it is so sad to store them away, this is a wonderful idea. You have a very nice vendor ! and of course displaying a pattern is perfect.

  37. This is such a sweet idea! Thanks to KJ for sharing this link with me =)


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