March 12, 2011

Thinking of and praying for the people of Japan

As I embrace my Asian daughter, I can’t help but stare at disbelief at the news images of the tsunami damage in Japan.

Sending prayers for all those affected. And if you are in need of prayer...sending you a warm word embrace in hopes that it offers some small comfort.



  1. I'm with you. The pictures I see are just unimaginable.

  2. We have family in Hawaii. They are inland and okay, but my Aunt by marriage who is Japanese is devastated by the pictures. Unimaginable. The weather is cold and wet this time of year in Japan. This can only make it worse. Gods good grace, may he wrap them in his warmth and keep them safe.

  3. I feel so helpless about this tragedy. Our family is praying.
    We are also investigating the options to help financially. I am hoping the Canadian government is going to have a matching program as they did with Haiti.


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