December 30, 2011

2011 - A Pictorial Review

Just like that 2011 is about to move on...

When I wasn't at my 9-5 job , I was filling my craft room with favorite antique and thrift store acquisitions and new crafting projects.

Over this past year, I marveled at my husband's ability to finish a MAJOR treehouse construction project where we all benefited from several picnics and sleepovers in this special dwelling. You can find the "official" treehouse tour here.

I also plotted 2 special birthday parties.

We even took an unexpected yet amazing, family vacation on Mackinac Island and through Michigan's Upper Peninsula.

We also attempted our first vegetable garden complete with a beautiful gate made by Chris.

Over the year, I've shared several holiday craft tutorials and give-aways and plan to continue the tradition in 2012!

We added a new kitten to the family
in the fall of 2011.

We even got to celebrate the end of 2011
with the removal of Emma's braces!

But despite all our joy, we watched Chris's mom
battle several scary health setbacks
and finally find peace in heaven.

2011 seems to be over in a split second
in a flurry of Christmas excitement.

Thank you so much for stopping by throughout the year. Thank you for saying hello or for just being a silent observer.

Thank you for letting me show off pictures of the girls, my latest crafting endeavors, our obsession with Halloween, or my quest for the perfect vintage item. It's so nice to "meet" so many wonderful people from all over the world that share my same interests. Thank you! I am truly inspired by all of you!

Wishing you all a crafty and thrifty 2012!

Get ready! Chinese New Year is January 23rd (the year of the Dragon) and we can't wait to celebrate with you!!



  1. Love all the photos..
    And those smiles make me smile..
    Happy New Year my friend..
    Love you tons and thank you for sticking around ...

  2. So much fun I went through the picture twice...It has been an incredible year. Thank you for sharing it with us. Miss Emma looks wonderful. I cannot wait to see what you do for the year of the dragon....smiles...Renee

  3. Its always fun to look back at a year recap and see all of the amazing things that have happened. You all have had quite a full and fun year and I feel privileged to have been able to watch it unfold alongside of you guys :)

  4. Wonderful post! Thanks for the recap and sharing so much of your life and craft projects. You are such a lovely person-so grateful I got to know you.
    Hugs and wishes for a terrific New Year for you and those you love!

  5. Thank you, Kim, for sharing your life with us! I am amazed at all that you do! Happy New Year!

  6. Kim,
    What a wonderful post! You had a great year with some real heartache...sounds like mine. I think that is what life is , ups and downs . The whole key is to celebrate those ups every chance we get! It looks like you did that wonderfully! Have a great New Year!!!! Hugs, Sandy

  7. Great post, Kim. You think your kids would mind if I crashed over in that amazing tree house? It's adorable!

    <3 Jackie @ Let's Go Thrifting!

  8. I love following along with your family. I hope many blessings find their way to your family in 2012.

  9. Kim, what a wonderful year you have had. I have enjoyed reading your posts and seeing all the fun things you do with and for your family. I know your MIL is looking down and smiling.
    Hope you all have a very happy New Year!

  10. What a fun and sweet look back at your year. Happy New Year to you and yours!

  11. What a year, indeed!

    Wishing you and yours tons of blessings in 2012!

    Love ya,

  12. Have enjoyed spending the year with you in blogland and nice to look back and see it all again. Happy 2012!

  13. It's so fun to look through your recap. Since we've only recently "met", I hadn't seen a lot of it! Let me just say "WOW" about that playhouse- you've got some very lucky girls!!!

  14. Wow, awesome post! Love the pictures of all the craft projects and your crafting studio! What fun parties for the girls! The tree house is amazing! Chris is a wonderful man, husband, father, and son! You can tell how much he loves his family! I can see the joy in his eyes when you photograph him doing projects for you and the girls! You are blessed with such an amazing and loving family! I wish you the best of everything in 2012!! Thanks for all the kind words and support you have given me this year! Thank you for the many prayers too!

  15. You've been a busy girl!
    Love your vintage crafts!
    Love that tree house (and that little door---so cute)!
    Such an adorable family!

  16. Kim,
    Loved getting to know you in 2011!!

    Looking forward to getting to know you better in 2012!!

    Wishing you and yours a very Happy and Healthy New Year!!


  17. Such a wonderful retrospective. I have very much finding your blog this year. You and your family have accomplished so much, I still awe over that treehouse. Have a very happy and healthy New Year.

    I also very much look forward to celebrating CNY with you. I picked up one of their outfits yesterday!!!

  18. Wow! You had soooo much fun in 2011. Can't wait to see what you create in 2012.

    Hope you have a Happy New Year!

    P.S. I am working on the polkadot pony party!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.