February 17, 2012

Betty Crocker and Vintage Party Supplies

It's Friday and so it's time for another Lil' Vintage Story Books Link Party.

Today's book isn't exactly a story book, but I loved the graphics so much I thought you might enjoy a sneak peek. It's a 1964 Betty Crocker's Parties for Children book.

Don't you love the idea of a May Basket Party?

An Early Morn' Party in our treehouse could be fun!

I'm sure Josie would love a space-themed party!

With our mild winter, a skating party doesn't seem likely,
but I love the sweet idea.

If you've been a follower of my blog, you know I love a good party...especially a party with fun decorations! Each week, I've tried to tie a personal collection to the theme of my featured book. This week focuses on my small collection of vintage party supplies.

I bought it for the graphics on the box, but it came with all its pieces
and the best part is the party game book.

plastic nut cups
pink party hats and plastic horns

Don't you love the fringe on the party horns!!

I recently picked up these vintage party invites.
I didn't get a chance to scan them,
but I will edit them and share in the future.

I'm currently trying to convince Emma that a Nancy Drew birthday party (even if it's just for our family) would be loads of fun in May.

Happy Friday!
Happy playing!
Have a thrifty crafty weekend!


  1. Im looking forward to birthday parties for my little grandbabies!! I hope you have a great weekend Kim. Are you off on monday? Im so grateful that we are.

  2. Love seeing these vintage books -- so adorable!

    Have a great weekend!


  3. This is too much. I adore it. All the little touches. Yes fringe is a must on party horns. All kids must play pin the tail on the donkey and it has to be that particular one. I have nicknamed my mother Betty years ago because she insists on telling me what I am doing wrong in the kitchen...now I cook better than her! Loads of coffee today with all those girls...smiles...Renee

  4. You have the best vintage things!
    Has Emma read Nancy Drew? I was obsessed with those books...a party with that theme would be fun!
    My weekend plans just crashed. Hope you have fun things planned!
    Thanks for sharing!

  5. What fun your parties are! I'm a fan of Betty Crocker, and I especially enjoyed this "tour" through this book.
    Have a great Friday! xoxo

  6. Where do you find all of these wonderful treasures, Kim? I love the graphics in that cookbook, and the party collection is so much fun!!

  7. Awesome book!
    You come up with the best ideas for parties. A Nancy Drew birthday party!
    Sounds like that could be so much fun!

  8. Oh, I would love a Nancy Drew party! I have a book that would be just perfect. Let me know if she agrees and I can let you borrow it for the graphics. It may even inspire a mystery hunt!

    Please be in prayer for us. Tomorrow brings our final earthy farewell to Aunt Sarah.

    Hope Monday brings a day off for all of you...

  9. Oh, Love your collection, especially the donkey game! It's funny, because I'm writing a post right now about Noah's birthday party from last week!

  10. A Nancy Drew party would be so much fun. Have a great weekend and get out and enjoy the weather.

  11. I've seen that party book before but never bought it - I guess my kids are too big and my dogs are not party animals! Love those games and cards and yes, Nancy Drew rocks (you could do a scavenger hunt!)

  12. Nothing better than vintage party supplies! Love the invites

  13. What a fabulous book! Hope you have a great weekend!

  14. I'm a fan of great graphics in vintage book, too! Yours are wonderful. Love the party supplies, too!

  15. I have a Donkey game for sale in my shop right now! I debated keeping it for myself...the donkey would be SO cool framed in a kids room! Hmm, I'm changing my mind as we speak, I may have to go take it down right now!
    Love the Betty Crocker book too...I'm going to be keeping my eye out for that when I thrift store shop!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.