April 13, 2012

Lil' Vintage StoryBook

It's Friday and I'm finally participating again in Corey's Lil' Vintage Story Books Link Party.

It's been several weeks since I last participated. I even slid down the stairs on my rear so that I could retrieve a book (along with some crafting supplies) out of my craft room. I won't admit how many times I've done that this week (smile).

Today's book is one that I've had for as long as I can remember. The illustrator is Vernon Thomas. You may recognize her work. Many of these drawings graced Good Housekeeping magazine covers during the 1930s.

Here are a few of my favorite pages and illustrations from the book.

This is one of my favorite illustrations.

It even inspired a kitchen shelf makeover.
Thank you for the tiny pink watering can, Renee.

Happy Friday!
Don't forgot to visit Corey's blog for more great vintage books and illustrations.


  1. Nothing can keep you down! I love the book illustrations you are sharing, especially the kites :) Have a great weekend Kim, I hope you continue to recover.

  2. Love those illustrations....you crazy woman!
    I hope you are healing and feel less pain.
    Busy weekend here. I will have to share some treasures soon. Take care of yourself!

  3. Love these illustrations! So pretty!! Take it easy this weekend!

  4. Hi Kim-I love the new look of your blog and this storybook is adorable. I couldn't resist clicking on the side button to see your dollhouse collection, but it took me to an Easter post. I will wait patiently....... Glad to hear you are recovering well.

  5. Illustrazioni semplicemente....stupende!

  6. Those are just gorgeous. I love those old illustrations. They make me think of happier, sweeter days. I slid down our steps a few weeks ago...seriously...MyHero came rushing to see "what was hurt"...nothing but my pride! UGH- xo Diana

  7. Oh my, I LOVE that illustration of the little girl in the catcher's mask. That could SO BE Avery and Noah. She is so enamoured of him, I could completely see that scene being played out here!!

  8. What a very sweet book!
    Cute shelf!
    I love the fact you are being "creative" in the way you are getting to your craft room!
    A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!

  9. I oh and ah all over this...those are amazing illustrations. Just back from the dentist and off to paint. Love your little details...Smiles..Renee

  10. Love the illustrations!! So sweet!! I love how you framed the illustration!! It's perfect! Have a lovely weekend!! xo Heather

  11. So you told on yourself! heehee! You better take it easy! I sound like a Mom here but you really do need to rest! I love this sweet book and I think I'll join in later today. I just bought a Happy Hollisters book yesterday. I have a few of my favorite books here!

  12. Glad you have figured out a few creative ways to get around. ;-) Just hope you don't end up with bruises on your backside to boot. (no pun intended) I love the illustration of Mary in her garden, in her little blue dress. So sweet.

  13. You have the neatest books to share on Vintage Friday, Kim! I have very few from my childhood, but I may do a post on them someday. You inspire me!
    So glad you seem to be making good progress! xoxo

  14. Those illustrations are gorgeous. Well worth the trip downstairs.

  15. Those illustrations are precious. I just love when you share children's books.

  16. oooo! I'v got to check out that site for even more illustrations. Love them all, especially the one of the child being wind-blown.

  17. I was wondering what the title of the book is? It is really adorable.


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.