April 23, 2012

A little yellow cottage...

On Saturday, Chris had a burn permit and spent the entire day clearing brush and dead trees from our woods. We were told to stay away from his chainsaw and burn pile. The girls and I (including Luna) found a project to keep us busy.  Because I'm still not driving/shopping easily, we used supplies that were on hand.   Yes.  I happened to have another dollhouse just waiting for a makeover. 

We decided that the mouse family needed a cottage.  


While I was busy giving the cottage a makeover,
the girls were busy putting together furniture. 

The furniture is available at Michaels (in case you're wondering).

After it dried, the furniture got a bit of embellishment. 
I used the tip of the paint brushes to make the dots.

The mouse family has decided their cottage
get-away is quite charming.

Everyone deserves a little yellow cottage. 


  1. Oh, I love your little yellow cottage. Such a special project, I purchased that very same unfinished furniture set for my daughters for Easter, you have provided so much great inspiration on how to decorate the furniture. Beautiful cottage.

    (and a burn permit, wow! did Chris take photos? !:)

  2. so cute! I cant wait to make a doll house for marlaina when shes old enough. how much longer before youre able to drive and get around normally again?
    have a great week kim

  3. Oh my gosh -- you are so creative! That is adorable. Am selling an old dollhouse (kind of large at a garage sale in a couple weeks -- if I had your talents, maybe I'd try to fix it up!). Have a good day. Hope the foot is feeling better every day.

  4. Wow. I'm exhausted just looking at the pictures. But what a wonderful way to spend a day with your girls!

  5. You're not making dollhouses there- You are making memories! That is just darling and those little girls are so lucky to have someone like you to encourage them to craft and create. LOVE IT! xo Diana

  6. I wish I could get Claire to craft with me. My vision of her sewing beside me was brief. She swiftly moved her machine to her room to create in her own space. This is a darling yellow cottage almost tree house worthy! Smiles...Renee

  7. Oh my goodness, that turned out so cute! I am really going to have to do that with Mackenzie!

  8. I don't know what is cuter, the cottage, the furniture, or your girls at work! (OK, the girls definitely win - but nice work!)

  9. You are never idle! This project is adorable.
    Hope you are healing and feeling better.

  10. This turned out really cute.

    And it reminded me of something I loved when I was little - punchkins! My grandma used to buy me a ton of the stuff. Here's what they looked like then http://www.ebay.com/itm/PUNCH-N-PLAY-PUNCHKINS-DOLL-MOC-CREATA-RARE-VINTAGE-/160607941797?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2564fab4a5

    I think I need to pick that furniture up and stick it away for Sammi later!

  11. Holy Mouse Merriment Bat Man! As my Little Grama used to say, "Many hands make light work." You did a total home reno in one day!? CUTE!


  12. Goodness Kim that is so stinking cute!
    So adorable!

  13. This is so adorable...I want to move in. I think that the little mouse family are going to be very, very happy.

  14. What an adorable home for the Mouse Family! Is Luna going to be the special guard?:-) I continue to send along wishes for your speedy, uncomplicated recovery!

  15. The little dollhouse is SO adorable, Kim! I really like how you painted the furniture and all the sweet little details!

  16. CUTE!! What a great project for all of you to work on together. And you now have a dollhouse village! :-) That thought just makes me smile.

  17. What a sweet yellow cottage!! Your kitty has such a sweet face!! I love how you get to craft with your girls!! Memories that will last forever!! Have a great Monday!! xo Heather

  18. The Mouse house is adorable. Love the sweet touches on the furniture and clearly the kitten is impressed too!

  19. Nothing makes me happier than seeing a cute dollhouse makeover. I love the cheerful colors. The little mouse family will be so happy to live in that cottage!

  20. What an adorable little cottage!

  21. Oh my word! That is just adorable. I love all of the little "dot" details! So cute!

    Hope you can go shopping again soon!

  22. Oh my word! That is just adorable. I love all of the little "dot" details! So cute!

    Hope you can go shopping again soon!

  23. You are making me want to run out and buy a dollhouse. I didn't know you could make furniture for it too! I love that the girls love to craft as much as you do.

  24. Kim,
    I rushed right over to see this new doll house!!

    OMG!! So very cute!! Love the colors and the furniture made me squeal with joy!! So charming!!

    I would love to play with this sweetie of a doll house. I bet the girls are just thrilled with it!

    Hope you are feeling better and you foot is healing well.


  25. Oh what an adorable Mouse House!

  26. Love love love it! I'll have to look for the furniture at Michael's -- it would be a fun craft with my granddaughter. I remember making furniture for my doll house when I was a kid -- just from stuff around the house!
    Glad the mouse family is all cozy now : )

  27. Thanks for sharing, this is a fantastic blog.Really thank you! Really Great.
    Cottage Furniture

  28. Oh my gosh, so darling! Gave me the smiles!

    & I have the same pin the tail on the donkey set you have in your banner, from when I was little. :)

    Happy Rednesday!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.