April 29, 2012


Josie's kindergarten class went on a field trip to a farm last week.
She was able to ride a horse named "Lucky".
As you can imagine, she's very excited about horses now.
She's renamed Emma's childhood horse-on-a-stick "Lucky".
He's been getting some long overdue saddle time again. 

 It's so nice to see Emma's former toys being loved again.
Ride em cowgirl!


  1. I cannot believe how big she is getting. All the little girl almost all gone already. Goodness. I love her Lucky horse. How sweet all the little impressions make on what they decide to play with. Have a great week...smiles...Renee

  2. cute pics! What little girls doesnt love horses? Its nice that she has Emmas things to play with. have a great week Kim

  3. That is so sweet. Am I surprised? Neeeiiiggghhhh.

  4. Just the right kind of horse for Josie! No worries about being thrown!:)

  5. What a fun field trip. Maybe Josie can convince her dad to build a stable in the backyard!

  6. Oh my goodness, that is too cute!

  7. Josie is so cute!! Love all the photos!! Lucky is quite an adorable 'horse'! Have a wonderful week!! xo Heather

  8. What a fun field trip, she looks so comfortable on Lucky. Such a great opportunity.

  9. My little Dude was riding the vintage rocking horse and I called him a 'cowboy'. He corrected me and said he was a "horseboy". I'm tellin' ya, those two are MFEO...CUTE!


  10. That Josie is such a darling super-hero-part-time-cowgirl!
    Adorable stick horse!

  11. What an adorable cowgirl Josie makes! I have a feeling that a real horse will be in her future some day! How are you feeling? I've been out of the blogging loop for awhile, as I was sick with the flu all last week, and then busy packing. The movers are here right now, thank goodness I have the motor home to hang out in!

  12. Ah, I think I see some horse back riding lessons in her future.

  13. Love the way you edited the pics. :) So funny--I have a cowboy post on my blog today, too. Must be something in the air. Spring? :)

  14. Kamree loves horses too! That first picture is a hoot! So cute!


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