April 9, 2012

One last Easter post...

Did you have a lovely Easter?

We did.

Although we certainly missed our extended family this year.

We tried something new. We surprised the girls with a glow-in-the-dark Easter egg hunt Saturday night using glow-in-the-dark bracelets tucked inside plastic eggs. Being that my mobility is extremely limited this year, they were only scattered throughout the front yard.

The trick is to tape the eggs shut because the bracelets want to pop open the eggs. Both girls loved the unexpected Easter egg hunt and I think we've started a new tradition.

The Easter bunny had a bit of extra time this year and so "she" put together a set of 10 written clues for the girls Easter basket hunt Sunday morning.

Emma's basket was filled with all sorts of teenage stuff...special perfume, lip gloss, a new purse and wallet filled with a bit of spending money. Josie received a remote control Lalaloopsy car, magnetic paper dolls and a few more accessories for her miniature Lalaloopsy dollhouse that I made from a wooden cd holder. Yes. I'm addicted to dollhouses.

I did manage to get the girls to pose in their
Easter finery before they headed to mass.

Note the cars slippers on Josie's feet.
Silly girl.

Wishing you a happy healthy week ahead.
Goodbye Easter decorations.
I will miss you.


  1. Hi Kim, It looks like the kids had fun. What a GREAT idea to do the glow-in-the-dark eggs. I might steal that idea for next year. Your girls look darling all dressed up for mass...just gorgeous.

    I am sorry that you are still so limited with your mobility. Hopefully, that will soon improve.

    I am de-Eastering today, too, when the sun wakes up~ xo Diana

  2. love the pictures! your girls are so pretty. I used to love doing the kids baskets up big and full of good stuff. but now.. there are simply just too many of them! I did baskets for 14 people! One of them is unborn yet.. lol, my kids, their significant others, the three babies, my husband and my son in laws two sisters. I actually combined my kids and their partners into one basket per couple, but that was still 10 baskets. not complaining though. I love doing it, I just cant do it the way I used to. Im turning my focus onto the babies now anyways. thats were the real fun is!
    have a great week relaxing with that foot up. Im not jealous that you had surgery... but I am jealous that you get to stay home! Though I have to admit that this week, work wont be bad because my supervisor is off.. so it'll be nice and quiet! lol
    (dont get me wrong, I love my supervisor, she is a good friend, but she is an extremely intense person!)
    Happy day!

  3. The girls look lovely in their Easter finery! And their baskets sound just perfect for their respective ages. I LOVE your glow in the dark egg idea!! I will remember that trick for the next time I have kids at home on Easter. Or I may have to borrow my next door neighbors children. :-)

  4. I LOVE the idea of the glow in the dark Easter egg hunt, I am going to have to tuck that idea away for next year. It looks like you had a wonderful Easter and the Easter Bunny was very good to the girls.

  5. I saw that glow in the dark egg hunt idea and I thought that looked amazing. My kids have reached the too big age...although we cooked a beautiful dinner and spent the entire weekend in the yard. Your girls are just darling....smiles...Renee

  6. Oh, such beautiful photos! I am catching up from our weekend away. The glow in the dark hunt looks so fun and the girls look beautiful in their Easter frocks. I think I will miss your Easter decorations as much as you.
    PS Please tell Chris I absolutely love the Russian egg, what a treasure.

  7. Wow. what a great idea with the glow in the dark. I wish my boys weren't too old for the hunt. Your girls are so beautiful Sounds like you all had a great day. The little dollhouse is adorable-I may have to make one like that for me-too cute.

  8. It is easy to see that you had a wonderful Easter with your girls! That's a super idea for an egg hunt. Perhaps there will be more of us using that idea next year. xoxo

  9. What a FABULOUS Easter egg hunt idea :) I'll have to remember this one for later

  10. You think of the most cleaver things to do! The girls looks so cute in there Easter finery...and wow! what great Easter baskets.

  11. Oh your girls look absolutely beautiful!!! Glow in the dark eggs, how inventive....you're so amazingly creative. I hope and pray you are healing well and quickly, with as little pain as possible.

    Love ya'

  12. Oh my gosh, I gotta get some glow in the dark eggs.
    Now those girls get spoiled at Easter.
    I love that little doll house you made.
    How cute are those slippers with her Easter dress.

  13. What fun is that!
    Look at that little doll house!

  14. What a great Easter you all had, Kim! I love the glow in the dark idea, how fun! And the girls look so pretty in their new dresses. Hope you are on the mend and feeling better!

  15. Had to come back and comment. Not everyone has the same talent. So maybe you can't sew-but you hit the jackpot when it came to decorating and doing vignettes and so many other things! I'm secretly envious of Renee too!She's awesome! Loved looking at your Easter pic's a second time.

  16. The glow in the dark eggs was a great idea. That looks like so much fun. Looks like everyone had a great Easter. The girls look so cute in their Easter outfits!

  17. Love the glow in the dark eggs!! How fun!! I am so glad you had a wonderful Easter!! Your girls are so pretty!! ;) xo Heather

  18. Love the house you have made for the lalaloopsy dolls. We have their plastic tree house and it is already in multiple pieces. I hope my daughter doesn't find out about that remote control car because her birthday wish list is already too long! Glad to see you are getting around.

  19. Kim,
    How cute the girls look in their Easter finery!!
    Love it!
    Your tree looks lovely in the background too!
    The glow in the dark eggs were a great idea! We used to have an Easter Egg hunt every year for the boys and they found little goodies along the way ending with finding their baskets. Great memories but I must admit in a way, I am glad I am done with all of that. I can't imagine how I did all that with working too! Of course, I was a lot younger....
    Hope you are starting to feel better.
    Have any tips that Joe can use for getting around??? He is going to go Stir Crazy!!


  20. Such precious daughters you have been blessed with, Kim! When I first visited your blog I watched your endearing video from the day when you first met your little angel in China...there were tears and now there is such joy and love in the faces of your daughters!
    God is so good!
    Happy Easter (a few days late!)
    Carolynn..."Chenille Cottage" Blog

  21. You always have the cutest ideas, Kim! Really like the glow in the dark Easter egg hunt! Hope you'll be back on your feet real soon!

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