April 25, 2012

They're blooming!

I seem to have a lot of posts about nature lately.
Maybe it has something to do with working
from home while on medical leave??
Regardless, I was excited to see our lilacs in bloom.

 We have a few varieties of lilacs (including a Miss Kim lilac).  
This one is your standard Purple Persian lilac.
I only took pictures from a safe distance off our back deck.
No wandering in the woods yet for me.

I don't think my knee scooter needs to go
four-wheel driving. 

Lilacs always remind that the end of the school year is approaching. 
June 6th is the last day for my K-12 crew! 
I can hardly wait!

  I'm ready to say goodbye to the girls'
homework and lunch boxes.
Have I said how much I love my
Mr. Mom and his K-12 schedule?


  1. Lilacs are one of my favourites too! I love yours! I suspect ours will be putting on a show in a week or so . We have had a cold spell and confused the buds.

  2. Love lilacs -- those are so pretty! Ours bloomed so early this year and are already gone. Peonies will be blooming before we know it -- another fave! Watch out on that knee scooter!! :)

  3. ha! I can just see you out there wheeling around in your yard on your scooter. actually I have a better vision of Josie doing it pretending its the bat cycle!
    Wont be long and our lilacs will be blooming too. OUrs usually come a little later as were right on the lake ontario and its a little cooler by the lake. but when they come... look out to my poor hubby..because hes allergic... and I'm mean and I bring armfuls into the house. I have a friend who has her house right up close and surrounding her house so she just has to open a window and the smell drifts in.
    I love spring. It looks like today we will might get a sunny day in. Its been cold and rainy since the weekend.
    You and your scooter have a great day Kim!

  4. oh geez.. I should have reread that before I hit the post button. there's so much wrong with it. looks like something a 2nd grader wrote... eiy yie yie...

  5. Such pretty flowers!

    I'm looking forward to the end of school, too. No more making lunches, and especially no more dropping off/picking up (we have to make four trips a day between all three kids)! Although I'm sure I'll be ready for school to start again about one week into summer!!

  6. Beautiful! Love lilacs...too bad my DH cut the only bush down. It never recovered.
    Thanks for sharing!

  7. I have never had any luck with lilacs partially because in suburban landscapes we have to "trim" the shrubs back which cut of next years flowers but also because they die back on the inside. I prefer the wild country lilacs. But you cannot beat the smell and it looks like Chris has the knack. Miss Kims are so pretty. Enjoy them from a safe distance....smiles..>Renee

  8. Lilacs! An absolutely beautiful part of spring!
    Take care of yourself on that knee scooter! Have a great day!

  9. I love our lilacs too!
    Your little vases are super sweet!
    No 4 wheeling for you!

  10. Gorgeous lilacs! My favorite Spring flower. I love those little vases and the cloth beneath them. So lovely and Spring like- xo Diana

  11. Kim, your lilacs are beautiful!! I am sure they just brighten your day up!! Have a lovely day!! xo Heather

  12. how appropriate that you've 'miss kim' lilacs, my friend. mine aren't blooming yet, and i'm anxiously awaiting...

    i love the end of school. summer seems to promise endless opportunities, don't you think?

  13. I just got home from cutting a huge bunch of lilacs from Aunt Theo's house. She had big old lilac trees and I go every year and pick about once a week till they are gone. Love the bouquet on my dining room table.
    ps. am ready for the end of the school year too, but bittersweet as Kate is graduating and I will be done with that chapter in life.

  14. What sweet little bottles, Kim and pretty lilacs! Enjoy your afternoon...take it easy!

  15. Those are sooo pretty! We, too, are ready for school to be over! I wish I had a Mr. Mom though! Summer is always crazy busy around here!

  16. Your lilacs are beautiful! One of my favorite flowers! I love that you have a "Miss Kim". Very appropriate. I have a Miss Kim too. If a "Miss Gayle" existed I'd have that one too. :-)

  17. Love your beautiful lilacs! They are blooming here in MA too, but I don't have any. I'm really missing the beautiful lilac bushes I had in MI. wah.

  18. You lilacs are beautiful. Ours peaked around Easter weekend, so they are gone by now. My last day of work is May 31 and I can't wait. I am also excited to have my Fridays off in May with the exception of the 25th which we have to go!


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