May 22, 2012

Mail call...

Over the last few weeks, several special packages have been delivered to our house. I'm so spoiled.

Renee (My Vintage Mending) sent me a birthday package filled with all my favorite kinds of goodies. Her signature wrapping (sewing patterns) always brings a smile to my face. 

A darling birthday apron, complete with a nosegay of tiny millinery flowers.

Sweet illustrated books to feed my obsession.   Love that Jack and Jill Halloween issue!

Another fabulous bead basket to add to my growing collection.  It's currently on my fireplace mantle and will eventually make it's way to my craft room. 

I can't wait to figure out some special crafting projects with these treasures. Thank you, Renee.
Elizabeth (Creative Breathing) sent my girls these darling fairies.  They have taken up residence in our yellow cottage.

Aren't they sweet?  I'm sure they will have lots of adventures this summer with Miss Josie's rabbit family and the occasional superhero that drops in for tea and cake.  Thank you, Elizabeth.
Pink Roses and teacups sent me these needlepoint Chinese outfits to frame for Josie's bedroom.  Her mother in law made them years ago.  Absolutely beautiful.

I'm hoping to do some crafting (and work on Josie's birthday decorations) over the Memorial weekend and want to get these framed and hung on the wall.  Thank you, Debbie.

Speaking of Josie's birthday, Viv (sent me this pom pom flamingo).  

Josie is having a flamingo themed birthday and he will have a special place of honor on Josie's cake.  As I said last week, blogging friends are the MOST generous kinds of friends.  PS.  I almost forgot.  Thank you for the beautiful owl necklace, Cindy.  I need to get Chris to snap a picture of me wearing it!   


  1. Such beautiful packages and goodies! I love how Renee uses pattern pieces as gift wrap, that is really splendid. Those fairies are just darling, the hair ! Have a great day.

  2. Such wonderful presents! Lucky you!!

  3. hasnt blogging just made your mail so much more interesting? E's little fairys are so sweet and perfect for Josies doll house! and of course Renees gifties are wonderful too. As for the flamingo thingo.. did I tell you how many drinks we had to drink to get as many of those as I had? lol! that'll be cute on her cake. I should have sent you more... whatever was I thinking sending you just one!?
    ok.. off to the shower and rushing to get out the door to work!
    have a great day

  4. What great mail! I love blogger mail! Can't wait to see the pics of Josies birthday party! A flamingo party sounds like so much fun!

  5. What great mail! I love blogger mail! Can't wait to see the pics of Josies birthday party! A flamingo party sounds like so much fun!

  6. Wow, your blogging pals really came through. Pattern paper as wrapping paper is awesome. So many fun things - Tit Tat Toe will pop into my head over and over today I am sure.

  7. What precious treasures! Those little fairies that Elizabeth made are just adorable! And the Chinese outfits are amazing! I know they will find a special place in your home! Enjoy your week and your bloggy love!

  8. Wow!
    What fun treasures!
    Can't wait to see what you have planned for Josie's birthday flamingo bash!

  9. Oh that flamingo is fantastic and those fairies...I heart must be one lovely friend to be so spoiled...Ha! Enjoy..and Happy Birthday...smiles...Renee

  10. You must love to see the mailman come to your door! Such sweet presents, and all so YOU!
    Today I finally sent you that card I was telling you about. Good grief, if it's not right in front of me, I forget everything. So sorry for the delay!

  11. What a week of packages. Renee really does have a knack with her wrapping..almost as fun as the gift itself. Fun stuff!

  12. What wonderful surprises you have received, Kim! Everything is very special!

  13. Wow, you received such nice gifts Kim! So glad you liked the pictures. :)


  14. Oh my gosh- It is ALL so darned cute...from the flamingos to the pictures to the it all. What fun to open the mailbox and find treasures there- xo Diana

  15. Such wonderful and thoughtful gifts!! Love it all!! xo Heather

  16. Everything is so cute!! Your friends are so creative and crafty!!

  17. All perfect gifts for you! You must run to the mailbox every day!

  18. I can't wait for the flamingo party. I don't think you can get any farther way from last year's super hero party than pink flamingos.

  19. So many cute things and I totally adore that Bithtday apron!!



Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.