June 8, 2012

Flamingo party preparations...

Josie's flamingo "little friend " birthday party is on Saturday. 

As I've said recently, Dollar Tree really came through this year. 

There's even more, but I've got to leave you with a few surprises. I also found this pink feather headband on clearance at Target.

It's going to be super sweet with her flamingo dress.

Here's a little birthday present secret.

Thanks to my Aunts, Josie's sandbox is getting a makeover and will be filled hot pink sand.

I can't wait to see her face when she sees her sandbox filled with pink sand!

I'm also going to borrow a few plastic flamingos from our tree and we will be going on a flamingo hunt throughout our yard and woods.

Yes.  We're even playing pin the "beak" on the flamingo. 

The weather looks to be hot and humid tomorrow.  Perfect for a flamingo party!  I promise to take lots of pictures!


  1. Wishing Josie a wonderful celebration!! Hot pink sand! what a fun idea and fabulous gesture. Just think of the photo ops! I look forward to the report, those little favour bags are darling.

  2. Wow!! Fabulous!! I think you and Jodee should start a party planner business AND should be the dollar tree official bloggers!!

    Pink sand will be so fab!!

    Have a fun weekend!

  3. Oh my word! That pink sandbox makeover is going to be a big hit! Everything looks perfect and I can't wait to see pictures from the big day!

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  4. A pink sandbox?? That is so awesome :) She's gonna love it! The feather headband is absolutely adorable.

  5. Had to smile: was reading your post right as my first grader started watching a Cat in the Hat episode on PBS... all about flamingoes.


    The party is going to be fabulous!

  6. FUN FUN FUN... can't wait to see the photos..
    Have a wonderful weekend...

  7. I just love this precious theme! We are back in Florida now and I am wearing 'flamingo pink' this morning! I wonder if I could get away with wearing a feather headband! It would match! heehee!

  8. Oh my goodness. I want come play in the sand. Do you think it would look odd if I put a sandbox in with my kids at their age. I had no idea they had colored sand. Where on earth did you find all this flamingo stuff...I love it. Smiles..Renee

  9. Wow, sounds like Josie is going to be one happy little girl tomorrow. Can't wait to see all the pics! Wonderful memories you are making for her!! That pink sand looks amazing!! Hubby is talking about making Cocoa a sand box(yes the youngest dachshund in the family) she loves to dig in an old flower pot on the deck. She can get her whole body in it cause she is soo tiny and just digs and digs. I will have to tell him about the pink sand LOL
    Have fun!

  10. What a fun party! Josie looks so cute in her feathered headband, and that flamingo dress is adorable! You think of everything, Kim! Right down to the flamingo beak game:) Love it! Have a great day tomorrow, and Happy Birthday to Miss Josie!

  11. The sand idea is perfect! What a fun surprise that will be!

  12. Looks like a grand time! Happy Birthday to Josie!

  13. Do you have the company that does "Flamingos by the yard"? Every so often I drive by a house that has been 'flamingo-ed' and it's so fun to see!

    Have fun Mama!


  14. Pink sand!!! You certainly thought of everything, I didn't even know they made pink sand. Have a great time at the party and take lots and lots of photos.

  15. I love the theme of this party. Have fun tomorrow. I can't wait to hear how the pink sand surprise turns out!

  16. This party is going to be fantastic! Happy Birthday to Josie!

  17. YOur party is going to be a blast! Lots of great flamingo treats! Your right the dollar store really did come through!
    I'm pooped out and off to the couch I'm going, but I wanted to say thank you and hi!
    I'll check in tomorrow!

  18. I'll tell you, this is one of the cutest parties I've seen in a long time...and PINK SAND?! I love it- I would love to see her face when she sees that for the first time. I LOVE her dress and feather headband, too. Can't wait to see more pictures- xo Diana

  19. Those flamingo sunglasses are a must! So glad you found those. I know it is going to be a fantastic party. In my next life, I want to come back as your daughter, so you can throw me such a fantastic party. You have thought of every detail. Good luck!

  20. Oh my goodness, I love everything! My favorite is the pin the beak game!

  21. Kim, everything is so perfect for sweet Josie! Can I come play in the pink sand? How fun is that!! Lovin' those flamingo glasses, too!! Happy Birthday to sweet Josie, and wishing you so much fun tomorrow!! xo Heather

  22. Sounds like an awesome party and ready to see it all flying into action! Pink Sandbox is great!

  23. I can't beleive the amazing things you come up with. This party is going to be the absolute best. Pink sand, oh my!

  24. So much fun!
    Love the feather head band! She will look so pretty in pink (she's so adorable in any color)!
    Pink sand! You think of everything and more!
    Can't wait to see pictures!

  25. Happy Birthday, Big Girl! You'll have to come visit and hunt flamingos for real one day!

  26. Can I be six again? I want to play in pink sand and hunt for flamingos in the woods. Kim, you absolutely are creating the most wonderful memories for your sweet little girl. You are my Mom Hero! E

  27. Oh my goodness, Kim, I am simply stunned that you were able to find so many flamingo things. I had no idea! I bet the party is going to be great!


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