July 24, 2012

Getting Ready for the Olympics with a can of Pringles

Four years ago, we were getting ready to enjoy the summer Olympics which were being held in Beijing. 
 We had just traveled to China a few months before the summer Olympics to adopt Josie and the country was very proud of their opportunity to host this event. I was looking back at our pictures from that summer and just had to share a few pictures from the night of the opening ceremony. Look how little they were!!!  They are holding one of the many Olympic items we brought back from China.  

While Emma is busy with Varsity Marching Band practice, Josie and I decided to create our own Olympic torch with supplies that we had on hand...amazing what you can do with an empty Pringles can!

I wrapped a sheet of silver tissue paper around the can (tin foil would work equally well) and then we shredded red, orange and yellow tissue to make the flames.

If you are looking to host an Olympic party, you have to check out the Hostess with the Mostess Daily blog which features a Sporty & Gold Olympic Party theme. 

Another site which features all kinds of free printables and worksheets is 3 Dinosaurs.
Just in case you'd like to be a winner, there's still time to leave a comment on my "vintage inspired no-strings" attached giveaway". 



  1. Oh my word! Love, love, love these flashback pictures! Both girls were soooo cute!

  2. What a treat. I can't believe how little the girls where. The fun that Josie has crafting with you is so apparent in the photos...have a great week...smiles...Renee

  3. Both of the girls were so little and cute then!! They are still cute now, but they have really grown up a lot in 4 years. Sigh... I wish our children would stay small for more years... it just goes way too fast.

  4. What sweet photos of the girls!! ;) Love the torch! Have a lovely day!! xo Heather

  5. great idea! I guess if I'm honest I would have to say I dont pay much attention to the olympics (or any sport for that matter) but one of the teachers from Lyndonville somehow got chosen to run with the torch through our town probably about 8 years ago.. maybe 12? cant remember. I just know that it was a pretty big deal around here.
    I'm off to the beach!! have a delightful day.

  6. Oh geez, I forgot to say I love the "old" pictures of the girls! they sure have grown up in 4 years! just imagine how they will look in 4 more years!

  7. The real thing was recently carried virtually past my house, but I never went to see it. Instead of making the Olympics an event to be enjoyed by all, the sponsors and whoever owns the whole thing have made it a nightmare.
    I live in Leeds and most of the downsides don't affect us up here (apart from the huge amount of money wasted in London which could have been used to keep open the little workshops that employ people with disabilities, for example) but just reading about how the likes of McDonalds dictate what is to be eaten and drunk during the games and how little businesses trying to get in the spirit are threatened with no less than eternal doom if they do not remove Olympics- related decorations from their windows sickens me.
    I hope that once the whole thing has actually started, everyone will calm down and just enjoy it- I, for one, am looking forward to the football as I am utterly deprived since the Euros ended :)
    You are so lucky to have two girls who are so ridiculously gorgeous and sweet- tell Josie if she had carried the torch through Leeds, I would have been there to cheer her on!

  8. I love the pictures of the girls when they were younger, Kim! What a difference 4 years makes! And the torch is super creative, how fun!

  9. My goodness, you can think of the most fun things to do! Love the Pringles can torch! Your girls are just dolls! I love the Olympics and can't wait for them to begin!



  10. Oh my -- only 4 years ago and the girls looked so little!!

    You are one crafty mama -- love the torch!! Love some pringles too! :)

  11. What a fun project!! Josie looks like a gold medal winner to me!! And her family does too!


  12. I am SO excited for the olympics! Thanks for sharing!

  13. What a clever idea!
    Josie looks adorable with her olympic torch!
    My how the girls have grown!

  14. Oh, your girls are both just so pretty! I need to get an Olympics schedule so I can watch my favorite events with the kids!

    I hope that you and I aren't going to be bidding against each other on any Strombecker furniture on Ebay! That's where I've been searching, since there's nothing available locally for me....

  15. Can you believe how much they have grown in 4 years? From baby to big girl! I love the pictures- xo Diana

  16. Great excuse to go buy a can of pringles and gobble them up. The torch is perfect!

  17. What cutie-pies the girls were four years ago...Can it possibly be that long ago? I just loved being in Beijing those months before the Olympics and feeling the growing energy of that community.

    What a cute idea! We love Pringles in this household, too. Thanks for sharing that adorable craft!

    Olympic hugs,

  18. Kim, You are the most creative and fun Mom I've seen. Cute pic's from China. Looks like Josie was having a blast with the torch! I can't wait to see the Opening Ceremony!

  19. Great Olympic Torch!! I am hoping to do a little Olympic crafting with my girls. Let the games begin!!!! So exciting!

  20. Very cute idea! We were in China one year before the Olympics and it was so interesting to see everything getting ready!

  21. Your torch is such a cute idea! I love seeing those older pictures of the girls. Time just flies.

  22. Ah, this gives me a real nostalgia for all of the excitement surrounding the Olympics! This was such a lovely way to celebrate!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.